He's back from inactive status and with Valhalla...
But still no Fantasy Football payouts for the three winners...
I say you have a week to pay the three of us off:
1. NastyFO
2. Konyen
3. MrPickles
Or there will be consequences.

(2010.Feb.23 12:18 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]He's back from inactive status and with Valhalla...
But still no Fantasy Football payouts for the three winners...
I say you have a week to pay the three of us off:
1. NastyFO
2. Konyen
3. MrPickles
Or there will be consequences.
just start beating ass...don't talk about it.
Wait! I paid into that pool. Return my money or pay the winners off you tool!
chill bros, im sure he'll sort it out...give him some time.
(2010.Feb.23 07:05 AM)delpot Wrote: [ -> ]chill bros, im sure he'll sort it out...give him some time.
and if not...then you will pay.
(2010.Feb.23 07:09 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.23 07:05 AM)delpot Wrote: [ -> ]chill bros, im sure he'll sort it out...give him some time.
and if not...then you will pay.
My you give good helmet!
well if it isn't lonestar and his sidekick, puke.
Comb the beach
"we ain't found shit" (says the brothas with the pick)
Give him some time? Time for what exactly? He owes, he knows and he blew off without saying a word to any of us. Defend him if you want, but don't expect us to listen.