You pound HeinrichHimmler to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 143
It's not about shock factor in-game and I'm very disappointed in admin's viewpoint on this issue. It's all fine and dandy to change someone's name calling somebody else geigh, in game, but there is a line whether we admit it or not and it's been crossed.
It's about the meaning behind the "cool" name. I can see there is a certain stigma or power that goes along with the name, the uniform(all black) and the various symbols(SS lightning bolts/swastika). It's what that name, uniform and symbols represent.
I'm not jewish or anything of the sort. I'm about as German as German can get and it disgusts me when people embrace something when they obviously don't understand the meaning behind it. I think if you choose a questionable persona you should at least do a little research. A simple google search of Holocaust images and information shouuld turn your stomach enough to know you wouldn't want to be tied to such a travesty and shamefullness no matter what background you have.
I was sadly able to make a tour in St.Petersburg, FL through a Holocaust museum and see and read what happened. I'm reminded of a picture in the museum of a Jewish woman who was made to hold her baby up in front of her face so the SS soldier could save on bullets by shooting the baby through the head and killing both so he could save on bullets. I worked in a WW2 POW's home who told me he was held in a concentration camp. He was separated from the "jewish" area but his window was next to train tracks. He could peer out his window and see the SS cram jewish men, women and children into boxcars in mid summer. What the jews didn't know was that before cramming them in, the SS spread lye on the floors of the boxcars. If you don't know what lye does on the skin when mixed with water...

It basicly causes your skin to melt and burn. So picture hundreds of jews crammed and locked wall to wall in a metal boxcar at the height of summer all sweating down onto a floor of lye. The gentleman said he had trouble sleeping at night, waking up hearing their screams.
These are a mere two examples of the thousands of accounted situations. Enjoy your "cool" name and your discolorful, distasteful shock-value gang. I'm not going to comment about it anymore. It's just sad...plain sad.