Thanks, that was a nice post

I understand a lot better now how you think. Personally I like the forums when it's more spicy, people having a go at each other, ranting and whining over hospitalizations, even been there myself utterly ticked off cause of constant hosp'ing.
Reason why I lock threads is mostly because people make a point out of being posting silly posts and it's so tiresome splitting the rubbish posts from the thread. If we had some sort of karma system I feel the rules could be tons more looser since if people misbehaved in a bad manner they would lose karma, and if they lost enough karma they lose the privilege of posting for a certain time.
But since things are as they are we have to step in at any given time. Your best shot is to fight for the thread you feel have been treated unfairly, and maybe the moderator locking it or Zenith can rectify the situation. Cause taking up the struggle in a thread like this seems a bit futile cause you are trying to fight the entire system at once, however I do enjoy threads like this, cause people make very good posts that has valid arguments. And it's nice to see things from other perspectives.