When I saw the poll, I knew there was a word for it but I had to do a little bit of checking to find out what it was
Godwin's Law I think it's called. Basically godwin's law is cited when someone says censorship is going a bit too far.
Free speech is protected, however... Most websites have a tos that you agree to when you log in. It is essentially a contract you're agreeing to that says you will agree to basically behave in the way that the owners of the website want you to.
Think of it this way. If you went into someone's home, said something that the homeowner didn't agree/approve of, then threw you out, you couldn't argue the first amendment (this is for all us U.S. folk

) and say that your rights were violated. The owner of the home pretty much decides which behavior (and which speech) is appropriate or not. You may think it's being too strict, but it is their rules and you do kinda have to agree to them if you want to stay. So free speech primarily applies to public forums, not private ones. And this website, like most others, falls under the category of being a "private" place.
And no, I'm not on the AL pay list

Just helping to clarify things.