these ideas are pretty sick, im enjoying the possibilities.
whats gonna happen to work exp and reputation?? :O i just finished pe400 and got +20 rep

police sergeant T_T T_T T_T
i also hope that if there are so many ways we can use our work points that its assembled in a simple way because this sounds really complex - is there gonna be like a YOUR JOB!! thing with <points> so that we can use them simply and effectively? i guess its probably already planned, but the idea of having 50,000 things that i can use points for seems frustrating almost
and why do we have to use job points to get promotions? shouldnt it be based on activity and job working? unless you want us to choose whether or not to use our points to train or to get better jobs? shrug, that part throws me off just a little bit, im not sure if the gains are gonna be worth it like that to get the later promotions
and i hope these are implemented like ... tomorrow
