Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
2010.Oct.15, 05:08 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #21
(2010.Oct.15 04:23 PM)Budweiser Wrote:  I think this moderation issue could be relatively easy to fix.

I received a warning last might for working around the language filter. Ok no problem no big deal however in discussing this particular warning with Tue mod that gave it to me he made very loose allusions to a sort of mod code and not when it comes to whatbdoes or doesn't need to be nodded but when it comes to how the warnings work in a progressive discipline fashion. Now if this is the case make that information public. If I misinterpreted it then develop one come up with a set of guidelines. Trust and believe I understand that if I post something that is out of line ill get into e-trouble however the fact that I can post something on Monday and get it removed and then the exact same thing two weeks down the road amd get banned for two weeks is a little bit drastic. Set something up so that ppl no exactly what's coming there way when they post something this will also help with the consistent others are upset about bc with a public lust of consequences then not even the loss can screw it up.

If its something that is absolutely terrible put them in the cue that jola referred to a few weeks ago where there post has to be approved by a mod but again only for a short period.

We established said rules in the past week and am hoping that every mod is now using this rule of thumb. Lately the working around the coarse language feature has gone way too far. People want to swear so have figured out that if they put a hyphen or period or run on sometimes they can swear and work around the filter that Zen has put into place. This is PG13, even though, most kids at 5 years old know all the wonderful words, it should not make them more exposed to it.

So as of early this week, this is how the warning goes

First offense - 60% - 4 days
Second Offense - 100% - 4 days
Third Offense - BAN one week

Serious offenses shouldn't get warning, just banning, ie porn, etc

It is not if after your 4 days you do it again you are back at first offense, it will now become your second automatically.

(2010.Oct.15 08:27 AM)zliplus Wrote:  I'm not convinced that 'we' don't care about hijacked threads...I think it varies depending on the person, how good the hijacking is, and the original purpose/location of the thread. A lot of times I see occasional posters' threads get hijacked and they just fade away and stop posting - I'd say those people do care very much that they were hijacked, they've just given up.

I think a lot of threads just fade away because they are so off topic that what would be the sense of trying to get a point across? We could use the thread in "Off the Wall" for example.

Request for the mods to remove the posts due to the hijacking. I, agree, that we should maybe clean up the threads and move them to one centralized area and maybe not lock the threads. I guess the question that I would ask is why is it necessary to constantly hijack them and take them off topic?
This post was last modified: 2010.Oct.15 05:09 PM by Jolabent.

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**
2010.Oct.15, 05:17 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #22
I think that is way extreme. What you're telling me is hypothetical speaking I get two warnings then a year from now I get a third I'm banned for a week. With all do respect thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What about setting a rolling calendar.. example: I receive a warming today for the next "x" number if days I can't receive another one or else I go onto your little 3 strike thing.

And another thing I don't think its necessary to have diff warnings for each diff swear word bit categories for sure. Your plan means if I drop the c bomb then I get the same punishment as someone that pyramids or makes a non offensive off topic post. That's hardly fair def need to work on it some more.

Just for clarification is that three warnings in the same category ( languahe, off topic, pyramid etc.) Or three all together
2010.Oct.15, 05:26 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #23
(2010.Oct.15 05:17 PM)Budweiser Wrote:  I think that is way extreme. What you're telling me is hypothetical speaking I get two warnings then a year from now I get a third I'm banned for a week. With all do respect thats probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What about setting a rolling calendar.. example: I receive a warming today for the next "x" number if days I can't receive another one or else I go onto your little 3 strike thing.

And another thing I don't think its necessary to have diff warnings for each diff swear word bit categories for sure. Your plan means if I drop the c bomb then I get the same punishment as someone that pyramids or makes a non offensive off topic post. That's hardly fair def need to work on it some more.

Just for clarification is that three warnings in the same category ( languahe, off topic, pyramid etc.) Or three all together

I completely agree, if you get one warning and it stops for a long period of time, then yes, I don't think that you should be on the second offense. This was set for constant repeat offenders.

One swear word might just get edited with no warning, or maybe even just a normal warning of 20% for one day, I think it is set for which is not excessive. But some of the threads that have been removed have been a whole entire paragraph of every 3rd or 4th word. I edited one paragraph that had over 30 words. Did they get a warning? Sure did.

This warning is currently for coarse language filter work arounds, which I am sure everyone knows has gone overboard.

What we are trying to come up with here, is guidelines so everyone knows and it is public knowledge, like people have requested and also suggestions on how you would like the mods to handle things in uniformity.

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**
2010.Oct.15, 05:26 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #24
(2010.Oct.15 05:21 PM)Monk Wrote:  Removed stay on topic

I hope someome else see this before monk delete it bit this is ridiculous. Jola this is your main problem idiots like this. I know for a fact ppl have been warned for not keeping on topic in this thread monk deserves the same
This post was last modified: 2010.Oct.15 05:27 PM by Jolabent.
2010.Oct.15, 05:27 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #25
You know when battleground was open all the thread trashing and abuse in general discussion stopped.

Seems like there is a pretty smple sollution .

Reaganomics! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2010.Oct.15, 05:28 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #26
(2010.Oct.15 05:26 PM)Budweiser Wrote:  
(2010.Oct.15 05:21 PM)Monk Wrote:  Removed stay on topic

I hope someome else see this before monk delete it bit this is ridiculous. Jola this is your main problem idiots like this. I know for a fact ppl have been warned for not keeping on topic in this thread monk deserves the same

I totally agree
(2010.Oct.15 05:27 PM)dnbrocks Wrote:  You know when battleground was open all the thread trashing and abuse in general discussion stopped.

Seems like there is a pretty smple sollution .

As a mod, I would be willing to leave threads in off the wall as long as they are within the guidelines of the regular forum. No offensive pictures, no coarse language, etc. You want to constantly go off topic, I would leave them be, as long as they follow the rules of the forum
This post was last modified: 2010.Oct.15 05:30 PM by Jolabent.

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**
2010.Oct.15, 05:32 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #27
I was simply providing a valid example.

3:36 pm You received $36 from Mac.

12,600,036$ robbed from him.
2010.Oct.15, 05:33 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #28
(2010.Oct.15 05:28 PM)Jolabent Wrote:  I completely agree, if you get one warning and it stops for a long period of time, then yes, I don't think that you should be on the second offense. This was set for constant repeat offenders.

One swear word might just get edited with no warning, or maybe even just a normal warning of 20% for one day, I think it is set for which is not excessive. But some of the threads that have been removed have been a whole entire paragraph of every 3rd or 4th word. I edited one paragraph that had over 30 words. Did they get a warning? Sure did.

This warning is currently for coarse language filter work arounds, which I am sure everyone knows has gone overboard.

What we are trying to come up with here, is guidelines so everyone knows and it is public knowledge, like people have requested and also suggestions on how you would like the mods to handle things in uniformity.

What criteria will you be using to determine the details. I used a year as an example in my post however what is a long time in your book. How long would one have to go without a warning to keep from being banned. These are all things that need to be determined obviously having the mod use there best judgement isn't working bc if it was this thread wouldn't be here.

What truly defines a repeat offender. I've been banned twice however they've both been in the last six weeks and I've been playing the game for 600+ days do you consider past track record or just whats happened recently.
This post was last modified: 2010.Oct.15 05:36 PM by Jolabent.
2010.Oct.15, 05:40 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #29
Ok. I will abide solely to the set criteria. Is that what you wanted to hear Giant?


Monkbot Mod of all Mods.

3:36 pm You received $36 from Mac.

12,600,036$ robbed from him.
2010.Oct.15, 05:43 PM
RE: Mods - Suggestions / Feedback
Post: #30
(2010.Oct.15 05:33 PM)Budweiser Wrote:  What criteria will you be using to determine the details. I used a year as an example in my post however what is a long time in your book. How long would one have to go without a warning to keep from being banned. These are all things that need to be determined obviously having the mod use there best judgement isn't working bc if it was this thread wouldn't be here.

What truly defines a repeat offender. I've been banned twice however they've both been in the last six weeks and I've been playing the game for 600+ days do you consider past track record or just whats happened recently.

I don't consider that maybe 6 months ago you had a warning and now again idea. If we warn you this week and 2 weeks later, we warn you again, that too me means repeat offender. If we warn you today and 2 months down the road it happens, that is a huge gap and maybe you just had a real bad day.....

I started this thread for a purpose. People constantly post about how mods need to work together and stay on the same page. I thought if people gave us feedback / suggestions, we could come up with the "same page" modding. So far all suggestions have been very good.

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**