Poll: What sort of penalties would you like to see for gangs losing wars?
Some/All of losing gang sent to Hospital
Loss of gang points
Random chance of gang losing a member slot (low chance, like 1 in 20 or so) and newest member being kicked
More than one of the above
None of the above, but something else entirely
Don\'t change it, it\'s fine.
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Gang Wars : Defeat Penalties
2007.Jul.16, 08:41 AM
Post: #21
Hospitalization seems like a good idea. It will make it more of an incentive to win. Downside as someone mentioned before is that the huge gangs or the active gangs that are ALWAYS on will prey on the smaller crews just to do it.

In addition to the hospital idea why not add a penalty to larger, tougher gangs that attacks the smaller, weaker ones. Yes, I know; survival of the fittest, etc etc. But, if you look at it like that then there won't be a game since every crew starts out small, they will end up being discouraged and not want to play thus, no growth.

Loss of gang points will just keep the crews down in the dirt for example, one of the gangs now is in the negative and people pound them to death. They won't get anywhere and you lose a target when people get frustrated and leave the game.

Just my thoughts...
2007.Jul.16, 08:44 AM
Post: #22
How about winning gang get 10% of what is in losing gangs vault?
2007.Jul.16, 08:47 AM
Post: #23
hawk187 Wrote:How about winning gang get 10% of what is in losing gangs vault?

Then the Pres or Veep will jsut keep it in their bank...
2007.Jul.16, 08:50 AM
Post: #24
To cure that once war has been declared all gang vaults will have no access till war is complete. Or have an option if you win the war, hospitalize, raid gangs vault, reduce points
2007.Jul.16, 08:51 AM
Post: #25
hawk187 Wrote:To cure that once war has been declared all gang vaults will have no access till war is complete. Or have an option if you win the war, hospitalize, raid gangs vault, reduce points

If the rule changed and they even had a chance to access my vault. All my stuff would go into my personal account to avoid that.
2007.Jul.16, 08:56 AM
Post: #26
Sooner or later you have to upgrade your gang and its all about timing, and if you win the war then you have the option on what to do.
2007.Jul.16, 09:44 AM
Post: #27
I vote for double castration.
2007.Jul.16, 09:53 AM
Post: #28
Hospitalizations...def the best route, but you should be able to stim out. For us, its all about pts, not keeping people in the hsopital....this way we can give out stims to gangs we feel oblidged to. I hate the other ideas personally, and i dont think you should lose happiness. I do think there should be some limit to attacking gangs over and over though....frequency that is. Zen...thank you for all your hard work, this new system is going to be great and I think keep more people involved more frequently. I would like to see more points for ocs though, we just completed the nine man and got 18 i think....a little low for 50 hours worth of work Smile

Oh yeah, while im asking, why not a few more ocs added, since most gangs are only getting bigger.....thanks zenny

2007.Jul.16, 10:35 AM
Post: #29
Yer I agree, maybe a cap on 2 gang wars on a gang per day. Meaning you can war 1 gang 2 times a day then you will have t move onto another. Maybe the 2nd dailly attack gives less hospitalisation time, also the higher the loosing gangs health the more hospital time they get. Razz
2007.Jul.16, 02:08 PM
Post: #30
I like the war limitations per day, keeps some gangs from just farming points from others....not like thats happening. I think hospital visits for the losing side that can stim out..remember younger gangs need to grow to with out too much pounding on especially by much higher level gangs....just my .02