Poll: What sort of penalties would you like to see for gangs losing wars?
Some/All of losing gang sent to Hospital
Loss of gang points
Random chance of gang losing a member slot (low chance, like 1 in 20 or so) and newest member being kicked
More than one of the above
None of the above, but something else entirely
Don\'t change it, it\'s fine.
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Gang Wars : Defeat Penalties
2007.Jul.16, 01:21 AM
Post: #11
I say Hospitalise them, the description was by far the best. Razz Seriouslly though I think the hospitalation one sounds the best, but maybe if it's the point one you have to have the other gang on full health, we could use a few of them and have them by options like the attacks 1v1. So when you click on "Go to war" you also then click... I dunno "point loss" where they have to be on full hideout but you gain more points this way. "hospitalation" where it doesn't matter as long as they're on more than 50% health and use the normal system. Just and Idea.
P.S. Zenny: Next time you mention my name on a forum try not to give away my personal info. Twisted
2007.Jul.16, 01:34 AM
Post: #12
badmanbren Wrote:P.S. Zenny: Next time you mention my name on a forum try not to give away my personal info. Twisted

Haha ok.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Jul.16, 02:52 AM
Post: #13
Personally I like the hospitalization idea, kinda like failing an OC and echoes of the old system.

For what its worth our gang would hate the new system of lose a random gang spot, our last upgrade was 770,000, thats far too much to lose for an attack.
If you do implement this i would ask that gang spots can be bought with points so that the cost of this could be balanced.

Oh and id let the hospital time have the ability to stim out, but i would have whole gangs going to hospital, i think that would add just an element of meaness to satisfy some peoples needs.

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2007.Jul.16, 03:13 AM
Post: #14
i think that for the losers you lose gang points

the gang points you lose are equal to the points earned by the victor, divided by the amount of gang members participating in the winner's side, multiplied by the amount of people NOT participating in the winner's side

soo for example

gang with 5 members (4 online and fighting) defeats a gang with 3 members (1 online and fighting) to earn 20 points

20 / 4(victors's fighters) X 2 (loser inactives) = 10 lost points

i think that would be fair
2007.Jul.16, 03:36 AM
Post: #15
What if the war lasts for days? How would the activit be worked out then?
2007.Jul.16, 03:41 AM
Post: #16
well in the case of all members participating, how about all members whose damages are under 25% of the average in place of the # for nonparticipating

not average damage per hit, but average damage total - just add up all total damages and divide by the # of members

the more active your gang is in the war, the closer they will be to 50%.

say hello to weeding out inactive members? :O
2007.Jul.16, 03:57 AM
Post: #17
I support the GP loss idea, but I see the current majority is leaning towards the hospitalization idea, so I'll just give my 2 on it: Hospitalize ONLY those members of the losing gang that were online and fighting and/or repairing during that particular war. Otherwise it would be fairly unfair IMO. :wink:
2007.Jul.16, 05:15 AM
Post: #18
I like the ideas of hospital time + happiness loss and the idea of doing it like a failed gang crime; some get jailed, some get hosp'd. Online or offline, a gang is a gang, you stick together or you get the .... out, IMO.
2007.Jul.16, 05:37 AM
Post: #19
i think if losses are associated with inactives on the losing and actives on the winning then gangs will more likely become more active. i dunno, was just an idea
2007.Jul.16, 08:00 AM
Post: #20
hydro9226 Wrote:I like the ideas of hospital time + happiness loss and the idea of doing it like a failed gang crime; some get jailed, some get hosp'd. Online or offline, a gang is a gang, you stick together or you get the .... out, IMO.

I am not sure that you would go to jail because some gang pwnt your gang's hideout. May be it is the other way round.