Poll: What sort of penalties would you like to see for gangs losing wars?
Some/All of losing gang sent to Hospital
Loss of gang points
Random chance of gang losing a member slot (low chance, like 1 in 20 or so) and newest member being kicked
More than one of the above
None of the above, but something else entirely
Don\'t change it, it\'s fine.
[Show Results]
Gang Wars : Defeat Penalties
2007.Jul.28, 12:07 PM
Post: #61
googooflexy Wrote:what is the current penalty for your hideout going below 0, or what do you get when you win a gang war?

There are two penalties. If you want to wage war again you have to spend ap to rebuild your fort before you can war again and the loss of ap you used in defending against the attack. I think this is enough. If you win all you get is some points for your gang to upgrade your fort when you have saved up enough.

You attack Evil Elf 13. You hit for 1735 damage. Evil Elf 13 resists 11 damage for a total of 1724 damage. You have killed Evil Elf 13! Congrats, you found a candy cane!
2007.Jul.28, 12:38 PM
Post: #62
okay, thats cool...so if you really dont care about warring you can just let yourself get defeated over and over without every really losing anything...Razz
2007.Jul.28, 03:19 PM
Post: #63
I care about having wars! I am just saying that if there are harsh penalties for losing all the small gangs will stop having wars. They will not want to risk the chance of losing to a larger gang. Right now they can at least try against larger more powerful gangs. I would like to see the gang war page full all the time.

You attack Evil Elf 13. You hit for 1735 damage. Evil Elf 13 resists 11 damage for a total of 1724 damage. You have killed Evil Elf 13! Congrats, you found a candy cane!
2007.Jul.28, 05:46 PM
Post: #64
How about in addition to the gang points that we have now, there could also be a respect point scale like the old system? Gangs on the gang page could be ranked by respect points like they used to be. A winning gang would gain respect and gang points. A losing gang wouldn't lose gang points but would lose respect points.
The respect points wouldn't necessarily have to be gained by attacking players like the old system. It could be a general gain upon winning a war just like the gang points are.
That way you wouldn't have smaller gangs not be able to build themselves up because they are always being attacked by larger gangs. But gangs that lose wars would lose prestige.
2007.Jul.28, 10:34 PM
Post: #65
Quote:That way you wouldn't have smaller gangs not be able to build themselves up because they are always being attacked by larger gangs.
I don't get your point. What's the difference between losing nothing and losing respect points? Nothing's stopping you from warring other gangs right now?!?!

As for winning respect points to grade the gangs, just go to the pantheon of infamy and look under the gang --> war points won, you'll a ranking of those who warred and won the most.
2007.Jul.29, 01:00 AM
Post: #66
I think if you are the team to declare war, and lose, then that would work. But if you are being attacked, then hospitalization or loss of gang points is not really fair. Reason, a lot of gangs are attacked while offline. Hard to defend yourself then. And if you lose gang points or are hospitalized then it really is only geared to winning teams. Maybe only lose gang points and/or hospitalization as long as you attack a gang that has online members so that they can at least defend.
2007.Jul.29, 01:44 AM
Post: #67
But again, if you're offline, why do you care if you go in the hospital for 15-50 mins (for example), you're not even on have to use stims to get out.
2007.Jul.29, 08:41 AM
Post: #68
I don't care about going to the hospital if offline, but I do care if I lose gang points because we lost the war.
2007.Jul.29, 11:03 AM
Post: #69
Don't forget the logging on and finding yourself in the hospital aspect of it. LOL I find myself in the hospital plenty of times because I logged in a few minutes afterwards. HEHE