zenith Wrote:badmanbren Wrote:Why is this anyway? If you wanna attack someone on less than half healt can't another box just come up sayin "your health is low are you sure you want to attack ....?"
This is why...
2 friendly gangs "attack" each other, forcing both sides to go under 50%. They are now immune to anyone online declaring war on them. But they can take out any gang offline without fearing anything.
So in essense they found a loophole I had to fix. For the 2 players who notified me earlier I appreciate the heads up. For those who took advantage... shame shame shame
It's kind of like when players stay below "fair" when they know they're being hunted. Are they taking advantage as well?
Basically I think that if you're going to allow certain things, and players find ways to employ strategies and play within the rules, you shouldnt slap us on the wrist for figuring out creative ways of playing the game. An adjustment here or there, fine, but we should be applauded for finding these things you consider "taking advantage" rather than scolded. Mom.
Also, a lot can be taken from the player vs player combat code and worked into the new gang vs gang code.
-gangs who get attacked spend time in the hosp when they lose
-gangs who attack and lose lose points, but gangs who get attacked and lose don't lose points (like XP with player combat)