Poll: What sort of penalties would you like to see for gangs losing wars?
Some/All of losing gang sent to Hospital
Loss of gang points
Random chance of gang losing a member slot (low chance, like 1 in 20 or so) and newest member being kicked
More than one of the above
None of the above, but something else entirely
Don\'t change it, it\'s fine.
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Gang Wars : Defeat Penalties
2007.Jul.15, 09:31 PM
Gang Wars : Defeat Penalties
Post: #1
Over the last week we've seen what our rough draft of the new gang wars code can do. There have been numerous alterations and tweaks of the system since it was first unveiled just like I mentioned there would be.

But like many have said, there is something missing -- penalties to losing wars. I would like to avoid permanent deletion since it has only lead to players quitting in frustration. Penalties are somewhat needed, but eradicating a gang on a whim just isn't fun (except for those who are doing the deleting).

Losing gang members not already in the hospital/jail will immediately be sent to the hospital for 2x the final blow's damage total in minutes. For example, if badmanbren's sledgehammer finishes Pestilence's hideout with a 23 point hit, everyone in the gang not in the hospital/jail will be sent to the hospital for 46 minutes.

Loss of gang points
Loss of gang points would have to be equal to the number gained by the victor to avoid exploitation of "dummy" gangs. Gangs with 0 gang points would continue to lose points (go to negative) and need to be 0 or above to perform OCs or increase gang member capacity.

Random chance of losing a gang member slot
Gangs constantly being beaten down on could lose membership slots. Each loss gives a random chance that the loser will lose a slot permanently, and it's newest member is kicked. No gang can lose more than 1 slot in an X-day period, and cannot drop below 5 members (meaning gangs with less members are somewhat safe). Lost gang member slots can be purchased back at a portion of the original purchase price.

Let's hear your ideas / comments. Please don't make this a "bring the old system back" topic because it's not going to happen.

P.S. Gang points will have more of an importance as we move forward. OCs, turf, etc will be dependent on this.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Jul.15, 09:41 PM
Post: #2
Of those 3 ideas, I like the lose points more but not sure it's the best way to do it but I didn't had time to really think down of something.

Just wanted to give my opinion on it and if I find something, I'll be sure to post it here.
2007.Jul.15, 09:46 PM
Post: #3
Let me just ask the question, losing meaning as you declare war and lose. Or the loser of the war no matter? Because if higher levels are always attacking lower levels, we will never be able to earn gang points? I think it should be if you declare war and lose you should lose points.
2007.Jul.15, 09:49 PM
Post: #4
Kinda false for the higher ones winning, unless they hosp your whole gang. The numbers and strategies are what matters most in wars, sure some do hit harder but some low lvl can still do high damage. and 7 guys doing low damage will always beat 2 guys doing big ones, don't forget.

If a gang declares and lose, I think they should lose twice as much points since it's somehow of a "humiliation" to attack and lose.
2007.Jul.15, 09:50 PM
Post: #5
hydro9226 Wrote:Kinda false for the higher ones winning, unless they hosp your whole gang. The numbers and strategies are what matters most in wars, sure some do hit harder but some low lvl can still do high damage. and 7 guys doing low damage will always beat 2 guys doing big ones, don't forget.

If a gang declares and lose, I think they should lose twice as much points since it's somehow of a "humiliation" to attack and lose.

I agree, but then again I chose hospitalize them, it's more the old way. Not saying I want it back, but it would be nice seeing them in there after a war.
2007.Jul.15, 10:08 PM
Post: #6
i like the sending them to the hospital option. The losing points seems like it would slow everything down to a snails pace except for the huge gangs that declare and 2minutes later the war is over and you are left saying, "Wha-!"

To add to that, I think it would be better to keep it to 1x the final hit other wise beginners are going to end up in the hospital for around 70- 90 minutes sometimes.
2007.Jul.15, 10:12 PM
Post: #7
syntheticdarkness Wrote:i like the sending them to the hospital option. The losing points seems like it would slow everything down to a snails pace except for the huge gangs that declare and 2minutes later the war is over and you are left saying, "Wha-!"

Good point.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Jul.15, 10:47 PM
Post: #8
I chose hospitalization...and I think it should be like the cyber upgrades where you cant stim out.

The losing points will just hinder those gangs that for Real Life reasons just cant be on 24 hours a day to defend themselves, and lets face it unless you have people that can donate insane amounts of cash in your gang few gangs are ever gonna pass 7 or 8 people as the cost to upgrade them gets rather pricey. Due to not having as large of gangs they will have fewer on at any given moment and that makes them much more vulnerable to attack and a loss of points.
2007.Jul.15, 10:47 PM
Post: #9
Ooooh, How about a loss of Happiness. (lose half your happiness?) and get put in hospital for small amount of time? Or just the loss of happiness would be good to.
2007.Jul.15, 11:39 PM
Post: #10
I dunno if I like the loss of happiness. I still say send them to the hospital! Twisted