(2009.Nov.17 02:57 PM)zenith Wrote: (2009.Nov.17 01:51 PM)mblume Wrote: Is kinda blah IMO. You still see the same options that were on the left side, but now have to scroll down for the items that were previously at the right.
Don't really see the benefit of the changes. At least not on the menu screen.
What phone do you use?
The change was because some phones just couldn't handle 2 columns of links, or would scroll back and forth between the two columns (which made scrolling take longer). For touch screen phones it now behaves similar to the forums where you just have to click the box rather than the actual word.
sometimes what would happen to me is i would scroll down to find "crimes"
it split up one half was home/explore/gym/whatever and the other side was a column with ares fightlogger/jail/etc
well.. it would go to the RIGHT column first SOMETIMES, and then i couldnt get back over to the left one, so i'd have to scroll DOWN, then scroll LEFT, and that would port me over to the left column... balhalajkldjsgklsajgklajgasklgjdasklj
the fix is great, thx zenith