(2010.Dec.05 06:03 PM)BadLuck Wrote: (2010.Dec.05 05:55 PM)Budweiser Wrote: Crunchy I am so full of drek
no need to be a douche man she's never gonna post on this thread she doesn't respond to "demands" otherwise it would set a precedent.
She really did mod my name you can ask about 30 ppl about that I truly think cober is a faggot_ not the man. And we genuinely had a convo
(2010.Dec.05 06:03 PM)BadLuck Wrote: (2010.Dec.05 05:55 PM)Budweiser Wrote: Crunchy I am so full of drek
no need to be a douche man she's never gonna post on this thread she doesn't respond to "demands" otherwise it would set a precedent.
She really did mod my name you can ask about 30 ppl about that I truly think cober is a faggot_ not the man. And we genuinely had a convo
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Sender :
Zenith [2]
Date :
4 December 10 @ 2:23:09 pm
Subject :
RE:(no subject)
You gotta make that name more appropriate.

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