what in the heck is this?!
2009.Jul.21, 08:29 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #101
Well I thought things were tweaked.

I hit MOB last night and got over 400 exp when I was at 1/2 HP, I hit him now under the same circumstances and get squat. Before the new code I would have got 275 or so.

You honorably defeat MOBhaslife in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 199
Hospitalization Time : 11
Also, how does this affect the code for bravery points?
This post was last modified: 2009.Jul.21 08:33 AM by Brugada.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2009.Jul.21, 08:41 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #102
personally anyone i find unequipping i will hospitalize for the heck of it....i hope everyone else does the same

no reason for people to not take what they dish out

2009.Jul.21, 08:43 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #103
(2009.Jul.21 03:46 AM)Howlsong Wrote:  You are missing the point... ppl are unequipping their weapons so you cant get exp off them... I have a solution for it tho Biggrin

Just so people know I find out you took your weapon off you are now open season.... imo you are also getting onlined for stupidity...

Couldn't agree more, I just found my first one:
You honorably defeat Rafal in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 188 (Since this attack had literally no risk of a loss, you have received half experience.)
Hospitalization Time : 34
2009.Jul.21, 08:51 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #104
imo attack code was great..the only tweaking should be that bonuses only be awarded for fights that put you in crit with a fully equipped opponent

2009.Jul.21, 08:56 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #105
i need a new inactives list. Sad
2009.Jul.21, 08:58 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #106
PRK just hit me online. Note i have no weps or armour so you might get pooey Exp.
2009.Jul.21, 08:59 AM
RE: Powerlevelling just got harder =(
Post: #107
(2009.Jul.21 12:30 AM)zenith Wrote:  If there are some ideas on how to tweak things so the above issue is addressed fairly, I'm all ears.

Leave inactives out of the change.
2009.Jul.21, 09:03 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #108
I still feel with the amount of targets I have vs the amount of targets a newer player has demeans the amount of work I did when I was leveling...

if they can do it even 10-20% faster (which is a reasonable guess) when they get the hang of the new code... then level 45 and above are getting the shaft!
2009.Jul.21, 09:04 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #109
I feel the code is off even more now, than last night. People who were a really tough and close fight for me before are either spanking me like Im a noob or Im whooping them like they are a noob. No middle ground like before.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2009.Jul.21, 09:06 AM
RE: what in the heck is this?!
Post: #110
I'm level 36 with my stats near 50. I cant get a decent exp even with nothing but a shotgun equipped! FUBAR!