on how to interpret 'scuffle in downtown decatur'
by: cober
all characters are 'real-to-life' depictions of cobers imagination.
this comic consists of 5 sections.
section 1:
the first thing you will notice (reading from left to right) is the character "big nick". ironically, he is the smallest of them all. little does he know, he is foreshadowing an event through the mention of 'attacking people'.
next you will notice "pornking" in his undies on the curb. he is holding a beer bottle, (although his alcohol of choice is liquor). he exclaims, replying to big nicks question, that 'he does not know'. Note: this classic character had his own comic earlier on!
next you will notice a nameless character "unknown AL'er". he is whoever you want him to be. he isnt doing much here, but he has a purpose later on.
finally you will see "kyle trask" walking out of the frame. he is fed up with the way things are going and decides to ditch the party.
section 2:
[enter bender]
bender is a lean, mean fighting machine set to kill. frightened, big nick shouts out to his friends a word of warning. although it is not visible from this angle, he has in fact soiled himself.
you will also notice pornking in the right corner of this frame looking straight at you. this was added for comical reasons.
section 3:
"ILL SAVE YOU!" are the words of our triumphant hero. kyle trask is on his way out when he hears this and again pornking is present for comical reasons.
section 4:
the unknown AL'er dives aggressively at bender, with a war cry to match. big nick is frozen in sheer panic, and again, pornking makes an appearance, because it is in fact still funny. common, bowtie? hair? mustache? dress shirt with rolled up sleeve? no pants...? masterpiece.
section 5:
this is the drum-roll-please-and-the-winner-is section where we find out who won the battle between robot and human. as we all suspect, the victory goes to the robot. our unknown hero has fallen to the mighty titanium titan. big nick snaps out of it and calls to his friends to retreat. pornking is too drunk to stand, but manages to sit up. kyle trask, who was already in the process of leaving, is dashing of scene and screaming the final words of the comic. 'PEACE!'
quick facts:
-this comic took about 1 hr to put together.
-the original post had an error in the spelling of "Unknown AL'er", where it read "Unkown AL'er".
-pornking appeared in every section of the comic.
-benders font is known as "computer"
-big nick is the smallest character
-kyle trask is the tallest
-cober was in fact high during the making of this comic
disclaimer: cober does not condone the use of drugs, alcohol, or any mind altering substance to those below the legal age in their country. nobody was physically harmed in the making of this comic.
(2013.Sep.05 06:40 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]bump to troll.
(2013.Sep.04 09:04 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]this may be the best one yet
![[Image: HMTP7_4Z0G.png]](http://cstrips.bitstrips.com/HMTP7_4Z0G.png)