hes that new shit in New Zealand.
LOL Yeah snow and vanilla ice.
I agree he is a lord........I was just trying to jab Chymere.........Hehe....
this deserves a necro as it reminds me of a time where a thread could go 10 pages in a single night.
and the comics are still true.
damn you jake.
i fucking demand more comics now. i miss those days soooo much.
(2012.Nov.17 11:21 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]i fucking demand more comics now. i miss those days soooo much.
I second this. We need new comics.
Gonna have to fall to preach on this one. I have a newborn to take care of and what spare time i have that isn't spent working or sleeping will absolutely not be spent making a comic. Sorry all.
teach me how. i'll do it.