I failed to even chuckle at any of those squares, sorry GQ.
prior work was better.
(2012.Dec.17 03:32 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]I failed to even chuckle at any of those squares, sorry GQ.
prior work was better.
damn.... thought that would appeal to the homosexual community... my bad.
he never said your prior work was funny either. just that it was better than that!
(2012.Dec.17 03:54 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]he never said your prior work was funny either. just that it was better than that!
where did i mention that he thought it was funny? i don't really give a fuck what he thinks.
you care...oh how you care
bump for a holiday edition of these hysterical, yet often thought provoking, t00nz
(2012.Dec.26 04:16 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]bump for a holiday edition of these hysterical, yet often thought provoking, t00nz
makes you think about clicking too eh?
yea, the trigger of a gun while the barrel was pressed against my temple
and not because of the hetty 15 part bash bird saga...that i believe i provoked.