That THE END just kills it.
(2009.Oct.06 01:40 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ]Very much like the ambiguously gay duo.......
Jaysin why would you hosp Preacher for calling you a gang hopper?
You are...........
Obviously none of you even know the meaning of a gang hopper. And to label someone as such with complete ignorance of the term is just asinine. But i guess it comes down to whatever makes you feel better about your own insecurities.'ve created and recreated your fmc gang at least 3 time that i can remember (all huge failures) that alone means you've "hopped" at least six times.
(2009.Oct.06 06:51 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome job Preach!
+1, I'm sure there's just one little adjustment to be made?