(2009.Jul.20 11:13 PM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.20 10:58 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.20 10:55 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]guess Pun wont see 70 for quite some time. a year maybe?
That's assuming someone can hit him. Like I stated in the newspaper, it will be tweaked. But at the moment if they aren't even doing any damage to you, or so low that you can refresh it in one tick... then chances are they won't provide full XP.
Find someone who is a good fight for you and you will get more XP than normal.
So those people who can take 70% of my HP in one fight and then almost none the next fight.... how are the equated? on a fight per fight basis?
Looks like the I can say anything I want to anybody I want code is back... don't worry just a few more stims and he can't put me in for more than 50 mins! (hosp code for those who don't remember it)... it usually happens when a couple lil guys are getting pawned and we all get to suffer for their mouths 
still luv ya zen
It's per fight. Maybe this addition just isn't as balanced as I thought.
As for the hosp code, it's not back as it once was. It's not as drastic for those who remember. You are still going to be able to smoke someone for awhile, just not 10 days straight on your own.
haha... ok zen... thanks for putting your time in. we will give her a run and see what we get....
we appreciate the attention to the game
So the new hosp code was made for triads crying ass and others like him? How can anyone have a good old 2-3 day hosp war anymore, while being satisfied with ones hosp time?
I am confused... does this mean that because I am a higher lvl even tho I get the crap kicked outta me I dont get the exp bonus?
Hit Points: 359 / 2800
You honorably defeat xxxxxx in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 579
Hospitalization Time : 23
(2009.Jul.20 11:21 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]So the new hosp code was made for triads crying arse and others like him? How can anyone have a good old 2-3 day hosp war anymore, while being satisfied with ones hosp time?
If you are in an official war, the hosp code change is ignored. If you are in an unofficial hosp war where everyone is attacking someone, the hosp code change more than likely won't be much of a concern with the new tweaks I threw in. If the person you are hosping can retaliate by attacking others, you probably won't be affected.
If you keep someone in the hospital so they can't even play, chances are you will be seeing a change.
I hit him when I was a little above 1/2 HP. About an extra 100 exp, +/- , for me.
You honorably defeat MeHungy in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 421 (Due to the difficulty of this combat, you have received extra experience!)
Hospitalization Time : 27
I EITHER BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA SOMEONE OR LOSE. there is NO in between for me. this ruins tryin to play for me, in its entirety. by the time i get better, everyone else wil be twice what they are.
AL's idea of weeding out non-donors
(2009.Jul.20 11:07 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, didn't think it would be such a huge issue. It currently only affects players attacking someone who does less than 5% of your max HP in damage to you. If the fight is close, you can get up to 2.5X normal XP.
If it's unwanted, it can be removed. 5% is pretty low.
lets see hwo it goes first, just goto search my enemy list for ppl who might beat me lol
lol @ mick
lets give it a chance but it seems flawed already.
(2009.Jul.20 11:36 PM)shadow55 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.20 11:07 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, didn't think it would be such a huge issue. It currently only affects players attacking someone who does less than 5% of your max HP in damage to you. If the fight is close, you can get up to 2.5X normal XP.
If it's unwanted, it can be removed. 5% is pretty low.
lets see hwo it goes first, just goto search my enemy list for ppl who might beat me lol
screw that! if its not broke DONT FIX IT