(2009.Jul.21 04:51 PM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.21 04:49 PM)Lucky666 Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.21 04:38 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Jul.21 04:31 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if,there is a way to track unequipers in fights? If its possible Zen when they lose let them lose 1000 exp
Exactly, if I get half the exp bc someone that I normally get good exp from unequips, then they should lose double, at least, the exp.
i don't think double would change to much
i mean i lose like 17 exp when lvl 40s-50s attack me so losing 34 exp wouldn't really hurt me
i think they should lose at least 150exp to actually hurt
they mean double the original amount... not double the new amount.
i understood it as double the original amount the player would lose for losing the fight. not the double of the amount the attacker would get for wining with him equipped. that is a little unrealistic
but than again maybe 300 to 500 would actually be better. 1000 i find to much
just hosped someone that did 2 damage to me...common alers dont be pusses on this
(2009.Jul.21 04:31 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if,there is a way to track unequipers in fights? If its possible Zen when they lose let them lose 1000 exp
If this can't be done lets have a system where once you equip a weapon you cannot take it off.Only upgrade it.
Sorry, I know I'm coming late to this discussion...
biff, you know you caught me changing weapons today. When you hit me I had nothing equipped, would this count as intentionally unequipping it?
The reason I was changing weapons was I had loaned my regular weapon to someone to test it out, so I was using a much worse weapon, which I have as a spare, when our war started.
I'm not sure how "unequippers" could be easily tracked. I also don't think making it such that once you've equipped a weapon you can't downgrade it will work. Many people have PVP weapons and hideout weapons. Pretty much every hideout weapon a person may have will be "worse" than their normal weapon.
I rarely post, and when I do, I hate to be a naysayer. I usually won't post unless I have a proposed solution to the problem we're talking about, but I don't have one right now. I've just got a couple of real-world examples of things that happened today. I'll keep thinking on it, just wanted to toss my 2 cents into the conversation.
Edit: I guess Zen could track them over time and see if they exhibit a behavior of unequip then idle, equip and do stuff, unequip and idle, etc...
its the persons choice if they unequip why would zen change that? Just like its a persons choice to hosp another player... its totally up to you. It can bring you probs but hey you felt like doing it... just like unequipping its totally your choice.
Experience Points Earned -200.0
This is definatly the worst yet for a loss on an active player, who is in my range and is usually a tough fight.
(2009.Jul.21 11:16 PM)Prksoilder Wrote: [ -> ]its the persons choice if they unequip why would zen change that? Just like its a persons choice to hosp another player... its totally up to you. It can bring you probs but hey you felt like doing it... just like unequipping its totally your choice.
+1 its a RPG you cant stop people from making their own decisions about things like this.
Its a RPG you can be told to do what you are told to do.If that means a weapon stays on it stays on.
Wow - this change sure provoked a lot of reactions!
I have to say I really like the change and am pretty much on the same lines as JohnRambo on this one.
You should get rewarded more for tougher fights and less for easy ones you know you'll win, it's then up to you to choose whether you want to risk it for more exp or take the certain victory for a little less.
Plus it's not all about level either - there are quite a few lvl 40s I can beat and who would surely get good experience from a tough lower level player (since the math is based on how much damage you take from your opponent, not levels or stats), so I don't think it's unfair for the higher levels either.
And for those of you all the way up the food chain, if you think of levels as a measure of your experience in being a bad boy/girl (this is a role play game after all) , it makes sense that it will be more difficult for you to gain a lot of experience from beating up the same old people who are no match for you. You just have to get what you can and wait for someone else to get stronger and be able to challenge you... Or fight it out amongst each other in the meanwhile.
I'm sure this will be tweaked with time since people are bound to find loopholes in the system (like unequipping), but I think it's a very welcome development overall!
Actually a person could grow to enjoy this extra exp.... i currently am hitting 2 ppl in my district whom i used to get maybe 350 exp off. I am now getting 700 to 800+ for both ... I hope i'm reciprocating