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I'd like to suggest that in the spirit of Christmas & the fact that Zen has a fun competition for everyone, that All Hospitalizations & Online hits end for the day.
vInDicaTed Wrote:I'd like to suggest that in the spirit of Christmas & the fact that Zen has a fun competition for everyone, that All Hospitalizations & Online hits end for the day.
Nice thought,sry though.Fail.

You are kidding right? When does a holiday come into it? When you guys have hosp'd players,did you stop for a holiday? Did you ... answer NO.
What you mean to say is it's ok for us when we are hosping and no-one bothers,but now the boot is on the other foot its whine,cry,beg for a ceasefire because of a lame holiday excuse.Get over it,get used to it,its not stopping,enjoy the hospital.
Thanks for your comment Biff. I'm sorry this suggestion doesn't have your support for Christmas & the competition.
Well pun started this , now you have to live with his actions.Yeah i'd like nothing better than a peaceful christmas,but this is a war,a major one at that,and for all the good in the world there has to be conflict.Pun got what he wanted,I warned him about it,he chose to start the war.Now you all suffer for his arrogance.
biffbaffboff Wrote:Well pun started this , now you have to live with his actions.Yeah i'd like nothing better than a peaceful christmas,but this is a war,a major one at that,and for all the good in the world there has to be conflict.Pun got what he wanted,I warned him about it,he chose to start the war.Now you all suffer for his arrogance.
you wanted a quiet Christmas
eint that nice :roll:
P.s merry christmas pun.Hope you enjoy reading this.Your arrogance brought this.
5757 SV Vagabond 35 320 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5673 SV Mistletoe 40 278 Hospitalized by Rafal.
7539 SV BecTheHalls 30 253 Hospitalized by Rafal.
4747 SV MrHyde 31 243 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
11703 }DIS{ Vixen 26 234 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
20470 SV BlackSanta 27 217 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22175 SV JackalInAPearTree 25 208 Hospitalized by Druchii.
19166 SV XmasOnHoth 25 193 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
17167 SV Ronin 39 163 Hospitalized by Rafal.
5916 SV icicle 36 160 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
23532 VS Clem 15 156 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
18940 SV RandomGifter 28 153 Hospitalized by Rafal.
22029 SV HappyHolyDay 24 151 Hospitalized by Druchii.
20332 SV Jhiieri 24 147 Hospitalized by Druchii.
6108 VS Godsshadow 34 126 Hospitalized by Dingus.
15151 VS ColonelIngus 24 117 Hospitalized by Thorzten.
4586 SV Merryarty 36 114 Hospitalized by Rafal.
13317 -}DIS{- ShadowClause15Ghey 14 111 Hospitalized by Deathwing.
27214 VS List6vl 11 96 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
16262 }DIS{ Dingis 30 88 Hospitalized by TheNutCracker.
22409 SV RedlikeRudolph 16 69 Hospitalized by Druchii.
8811 SV WillyStoleYourGifts 21 66 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
20641 SV Tess 25 54 Hospitalized by Thrilhouse.
3459 -X- GovernorBlagojevich 31 43 Bit off more than they could chew with Wormhole.
1745 Hawk187 31 38 Lost in combat to TheGeneral.
23112 SV FrdKngXmas 25 37 Hospitalized by Druchii.
12286 SV SmoovyTheMeatGazer 26 37 Hospitalized by Druchii.
22241 ^V^ XmasBuds 16 35 Hospitalized by Deathwing.
Lets try & keep the comments clean and on topic here folks - please remember this is Christmas.
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