vInDicaTed Wrote:I'd like to suggest that in the spirit of Christmas & the fact that Zen has a fun competition for everyone, that All Hospitalizations & Online hits end for the day.
Lets keep on topic folks. This is just a topic to see if some would like to take a day off beating each other & enjoy Christmas & the competition put on by Zen. Lets leave the beefs for another topic please.
vInDicaTed Wrote:vInDicaTed Wrote:I'd like to suggest that in the spirit of Christmas & the fact that Zen has a fun competition for everyone, that All Hospitalizations & Online hits end for the day.
Lets keep on topic folks. This is just a topic to see if some would like to take a day off beating each other & enjoy Christmas & the competition put on by Zen. Lets leave the beefs for another topic please.
What part of NO don't you understand?
iceman2020 Wrote:Lucky666 Wrote:chek again
i'm out
and i'm glad he started this
you guys just keep enjoying yourself till he comes back 
Pun spends time with his family on these days. No shame in being the one hosp'd today, only shame in being the one doing all the hosps. That goes both ways.
Get back in SV'S.At least show some loyalty as it was you pun was defending.Wait was he right to do that now that you run away at the first sign of weakness? I mean he accepted you in to back you up,now you run away and hide....pun sure knows how to pick his friends.
Thanks Biff. I did note your comments. I was thinking others might like to comment.
iceman2020 Wrote:Lucky666 Wrote:chek again
i'm out
and i'm glad he started this
you guys just keep enjoying yourself till he comes back 
That goes both ways.
Kinda like you. Suck up a little bit more, nancy.
Everyone thank Semi-Retarded BBH for their hospital stays this Xmas!

McCule Wrote:Everyone thank Semi-Retarded BBH for their hospital stays this Xmas! 
What's more he got accepted to SV'S and they backed him up,then he leaves when he knows that the "safety" he had ain't that safe after all.Try and pick your friends better next time pun eh!
its ous present to you vills and company

I actually wanted to participate in the contest, but Punisher was on the sauce and, in turn, pissed me off..