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Punisher Wrote:you guys know we dont normally play this way....
And this statement right here clearly reads that you know you are in the wrong.
dekarr Wrote:do you have a webpage that randomly generates horrible insults?
i've been inspired by your and your gang mates written previously playing with brute force is wrong...hmmm

good to test your mettle and might once in a while...steam vented....

but dont forget if need be we can and will play down to your level
Nightrain Wrote:Lmao Wing its simple. I didnt spend $40 in credits.
Once again don't exagerate.
3 of SV top players were online. that they perhaps were more concerned with themselves over helping out the rest of the gang is no fault of ours.

As to what Pun just did icngrts to him. But the difference is real simple. our SS shows that the effort done toput SV/VS and the others was a joint venture between 3 gangs. not that of one person that whipped out a credit card
3 against 1
wow that really shows courage
and by the way congrats to both val and diss for being patethic
i've got mails from your crybabys all day asking me to stop hosping them
at least for the christmas contest
bu hu hu


Punisher Wrote:you guys know we dont normally play this way....we simply defend our own and dont back down....being strong only gives players more of a burden to lead and protect

Pun, big difference between leading/protecting and abusiive actions.
The current situation is long time coming. The issue of BBH just set it off.

When you have people in your gang that go out and hosp an entire gang for minimal reasons.It will create resentment.

Hell i got hosped by Howl cause i sent her $100 for a lap dance. was a joke. If she was so offended by it easy enough let me know i appologise and its over.

Im sure many others have recieved the same treatment for minimal infractions.

If you had really been interested in avoiding this situation a few mails to the parties concerned asking them to cease there current actions and finding a resolution to it would have avoided what is now happening.

You or as SV has always said Voted on hopsing and enitire gang. Hence the situation we are all in.

In any case watch for me. you got me for 157minutes means i need to hit back for over 471 min to keep my ratio
so we are doing multipliers now....hmmm....what is the factorial we are at then

gotta be higher than our deficit here in the us


Lucky666 Wrote:
Nightrain Wrote:Lmao Wing its simple. I didnt spend $40 in credits.
Once again don't exagerate.
3 of SV top players were online. that they perhaps were more concerned with themselves over helping out the rest of the gang is no fault of ours.

As to what Pun just did icngrts to him. But the difference is real simple. our SS shows that the effort done toput SV/VS and the others was a joint venture between 3 gangs. not that of one person that whipped out a credit card
3 against 1
wow that really shows courage
and by the way congrats to both val and diss for being patethic
i've got mails from your crybabys all day asking me to stop hosping them
at least for the christmas contest
bu hu hu

Man please dont flatter yourself, 3 against 1? i take it you didnt score very high in your math test.
its 3 on 3 . By my understanding PC, your allies have included themselves in this frey.

Going back to my prior statement. 3 of the top SV players were online anyone of them could have taken down Dru and myself. If 1 of them had been willing to sacrafice there precious energy/xp they could hit Raf drop him down so someone else could hosp him.
Not to mention hasnt Cheetah or Howl boasted how they defeated Raf?
Lucky666 Wrote:3 against 1
wow that really shows courage
and by the way congrats to both val and diss for being patethic
i've got mails from your crybabys all day asking me to stop hosping them
at least for the christmas contest
bu hu hu

3 against one? Could of swore it was 3 against 3. Diss/Val/X vs SV/VS/PC. Guess you missed it..You know; having your nose so far up Pun's ass.
Punisher playing with brute force is wrong...hmmm

good to test your mettle and might once in a while...steam vented....

but dont forget if need be we can and will play down to your level

Who said playing with brute force is wrong? I've never said that. It's the reasoning behind the use of "brute force". You harbor and defend newly-left, ex-gang members that have dishonored our family. It has been brought to your attention in a diplomatic manner and your stance is and has always been, "oh well, we'll see what happens or we'll talk about it or times have been boring and my guys might want to have a little fun". Your actions show the community and other gangs that you don't really care b/c you help run unquestionably the most powerful individual gang in AL.


Punisher Wrote:so we are doing multipliers now....hmmm....what is the factorial we are at then

gotta be higher than our deficit here in the us

No pun,. this is my personal way of keeping tabs on how im doing in the war.
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