Lucky666 Wrote:dekarr Wrote:allow me to take an SV approach to the previous post.
GG its Christmas night losers
WTG we were all asleep
Hosping lowbies FTW
I was pooing
My name is Moriarty, I am British
so on and so forth
how in hell is this diffrent of what Raf and rambo and NT were doing this morning when 90% of SV were ofline?
any way don't you have someones arse to kiss??
Lmao Wing its simple. I didnt spend $40 in credits.
Once again don't exagerate.
3 of SV top players were online. that they perhaps were more concerned with themselves over helping out the rest of the gang is no fault of ours.
As to what Pun just did icngrts to him. But the difference is real simple. our SS shows that the effort done toput SV/VS and the others was a joint venture between 3 gangs. not that of one person that whipped out a credit card
do you have a webpage that randomly generates horrible insults?
Bottom line is, I'm hammered, fuck you.
so i started it by defending the guy who was holding our comp...ok whatever....biff is always innocent.......i love hearing reading tommi and his bloated blathering bile.....baaaahhhhh....sheep, sheep, your attention now....all depends on whos online doesnt it!!! long can your little guys hold out...this might get interesting
yes i defended bbh....what pres wouldnt do the same thing, especially when you have to read biffs mails....yes he is very diplomatic, as is his twin tommi boy, they live for diplomacy and intergang pacifism.....yeah biff for semi retiring also or retarding as you so eloquently placed your script.....i think you need to look in a mirror and do the stuart smiley

Punisher Wrote:so i started it by defending the guy who was holding our comp...ok whatever....biff is always innocent.......i love hearing reading tommi and his bloated blathering bile.....baaaahhhhh....sheep, sheep, your attention now....all depends on whos online doesnt it!!! long can your little guys hold out...this might get interesting
yes i defended bbh....what pres wouldnt do the same thing, especially when you have to read biffs mails....yes he is very diplomatic, as is his twin tommi boy, they live for diplomacy and intergang pacifism.....yeah biff for semi retiring also or retarding as you so eloquently placed your script.....i think you need to look in a mirror and do the stuart smiley 
Prez ... he wasent even in your gang nob head.You jumped in,got all heated, then hosp'd my gang.Now stop whining and get down to business.
Punisher Wrote:yes i defended bbh....what pres wouldnt do the same thing,
But he wasn't in your gang, he was "semi-retired" and he was being a drek head and hitting a little guy for making TRUE statements.
Pun is #1 he can be as much of an anuspacker as he pleases.
you guys know we dont normally play this way....we simply defend our own and dont back down....being strong only gives players more of a burden to lead and protect
Punisher Wrote:you guys know we dont normally play this way....we simply defend our own and dont back down....being strong only gives players more of a burden to lead and protect
He's NOT your own. He was being a prick to someone that was telling the truth about him. If he was your "own" you should've called him out on his stupidity. If you would've done that then millions of dollars wouldn't be spent on stims and nimbus right now. Not that I'M complaining at all.