1. You meet up with a contact who needs a simple fire to burn down a relative's warehouse for insurance money.
2. You grab a lighter and take a bus in to town where the warehouse districts are.
3. You locate the building without trouble and make sure you are not being watched.
Result: You pour some gasoline around the place, making sure it looks like it might be just a random fire. You bust out through a window after lighting a match, and make a break for the bus stop. Knowing how easy it was, you know the $109 was worth the risk.
I have never gotten anything over $1375 for complex meth. whoever got $1500, must go out and buy a lottery.
1. Your buddy needs some information on a local police unit and hires you to do some dirty work.
2. You work your way into a position of trust with the local authorities as a hobo with a nose for information.
3. After some time you learn the information your buddy was seeking and head off to tell all.
Result: You make your way back to your buddy and tell him the info he needs without a hitch. Your buddy hands you $1764 in cash and you head straight for the bank!
keep the highs and lows coming folks. I update after each

1. With the help of a buddy, you set up a scam where your friend creates a car accident and you act as a witness.
2. Your friend starts driving around looking for a mark while you sit innocently along the street.
3. Your buddy slams on his brakes right in front of you on the street while the car behind him tries to avoid your friends car.
Result: The car behind your buddy starts to slide as he brakes too hard to avoid a collision. As the dust settles, your friend falls out of his car in extreme pain. You run over to help out and act as a witness. The man, not wanting his insurance to increase due to an accident on his record, offers $1678 cash on the spot to help both of you forget it ever happened.
1. You walk down to a classic car show parking lot looking for an easy car to get in.
2. You find an old fully-restored car that has the door unlocked.
3. After a couple of seconds fiddling with the wires under the steering wheel, you get it started up!
Result: You get the classic car to a contact in the shady part of town. The car isn't top-notch, but who cares, it is a classic. The guy just wants cars. He pays you $742 to take the car off your hands.
1. You plan out a simple Investment Brokerage Ponzi Scheme that pays investors 10% interest per month.
2. You get a few investors to pony up $1000 to earn a 10% interest in a month.
3. Those investors spread the word, and your scheme starts to gather steam.
Result: After a few more suckers get trapped in your scheme, you bail out before people realize what is going on, earning you $1939 before your investors can get all their cash back!
1. You look on the internet on how to use chemistry on household goods to create something you can sell.
2. You find a site on methamphetamines and check under your kitchen sink for the ingredients.
3. You set up shop and start becoming a brewmaster.
Result: You manage to have all the right ingredients except one, but you manage to fudge it to work. You make a stash of meth and find a pusher to sell em for you. He buys them off you for $88.
Howlsong Wrote:Result: After a few more suckers get trapped in your scheme, you bail out before people realize what is going on, earning you $1939 before your investors can get all their cash back!
I thought you and yours were pulling over $2083, I call nannie's.
1. You look on the internet on how to use chemistry on household goods to create something you can sell.
2. You find a site on methamphetamines and check under your kitchen sink for the ingredients.
3. You set up shop and start becoming a brewmaster.
Result: You manage to have all the right ingredients except one, but you manage to fudge it to work. You make a stash of meth and find a pusher to sell em for you. He buys them off you for $79.