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drec92 Wrote:yes i want to see how many hours Ive played since i started
Yes, lifetime would be sweet, more than daily average of just the present day.

***online and away***


Mock8800 Wrote:I dislike that idea they worked to get in the POI I say let them stay their till enough peolpe passes them that their no longer up their.

I agree. Let the people in the PoI stay there. Last I looked (unless recently changed) Loki was #50 on best jail bust time. I plan on moving him off that list and getting back up there again. LOL

ALSO, I posted in a different thread but I feel we should be able to use CPs from other careers if we still have some leftover. Make it double the cost then for being out of practice. I.E. I decide I want to do politics again and get out of the med field. I still have my knowledge from my medical school and my medical practice. Would be nice to be able to heal myself out of the hospital if I login and find myself there. Just like if I had CPs in the political career but I am doing Science now. I still have connections in the system. Just would be double the points to bail or lower jail times on somebody.

The time playing would be good too. I can see just how much I played when I first started compared to this lessened time I play now. Would even be cool if we could click on the month playing and see how much time we played each day that month. Still want to know if I ever hit an 18 hour day way back then. Smile Smile Smile
A new career skill to undo implants. Maybe with an option to undo them for others?
some new games
-card games-
-casino games-
-fighting games-
I suggested these before.

Crimes that give a lot of cash and little exp., and crimes that give little cash but give a lot of experience.

And "Quest" crimes that require you to plan, set up and execute a crime. Each step cost a certain amount of AP and you have a certain amount of time to complete each step. Getting busted at higher steps lands you more jail time but pulling it all off nets you a large chunk of change.
Boxing arena

Bar (too drink whenever we feel like, not just on contests, wich could give back some happiness but loose energy or something)

Referral links keep user id when the referrals check the info and click elsewhere before registring

Hospital quotes personalization through preferences

Drugs (that could temporarily boost your combat stats)

Mental Institude (if you abuse drugs)

Skyscraper (a big tower with appartments, condo and penthouses, wich gives better happiness than housing on a short period of time, but get more expensive over time as it is rental, operated by ZenErr Corp)

NPC mercenaries *you pay them, enter an id, they hit. total secrecy*

Boots : im tired of naked feet. Plus, could run faster

ENDURANCE & INTEL BORGS! : oh yeah baby, take my humanity away

Organized attacks: just like organized crimes, but for example, takes 24hours to set a bomb in DISS hideout. If succesfull, there hideout falls to 50% and half players are in the hosp. If not, X gang players are in hosp, and we loose X gang points or something

GANG TITLES: inner gang seen, be able on the member list and gang mails to see gang RANKS setted by the gang prez

ill think of more later
Maybe a place in the POI for oldest active players....
a NPC in Midlan.... Twisted
A in game suggestion box.


Quote:it would be nice if there was a space in between skills, or if we can only train the skills that we've selected so even if we misclick, we still get a skill we like!!!

Also, how about more gang points for organised crimes? for the villains to only have a little over 4,000 is absurd. I mean what are you gonna do with 4,000 Gang points?

Maybe new, multi-tasked organised crimes as well?
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