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Howlsong Wrote:dumbest thing i ever heard...

Yeah it would piss you off that's for sure.


5 min time delay would suffice XD


Punisher Wrote:
biffbaffboff Wrote:Time delay on district hopping.Now that would be fun.Bah to the players who say no.What are we playing here...time warp.Seriously If we get energy every 5 mins,how can we travel 150miles in 20 seconds.get a grip XD

Bruce Willis did it in Die Hard 4

Yeah but that's Bruce willis!
Graduate school for those careers

A separate folder for the mail I might want to save..........
Medical training teaches how to heal wounds, remove unwanted cyberware, and shorten hospital stays when experienced. It also provides great Intelligence training."

Sure would like to see that remove unwanted cyber abililty implemented.

I've got a newb piece or two I wouldn't mind parting with, (not to mention willing to tip a skilled street-doc a good amount of cash to remove),
and I'm sure quite a few more would agree.

Extra Career Abilities all around I'd say perhaps are due.
People are beginning to hit the ceiling in various careers, and Im sure would like to see a few more higher lvl abilities.
Here's a thought:

Maybe a purchasable defense rig for gang hideouts.

Say like a sentry gun, that a gang could purchase (good amounts of cash, 500k, or 1 mil per or so) That would automatically return fire in defense during a gang war.

Nothing too drastic, so it wouldnt be too unbalancing,
maybe each turret equipped in a hideout would automatically do 15-25 damage to the enemies hideout per refresh during a war defense.

Have them be pretty pricey,
and keep it to small damage, so things don't get out of hand,

but I think that would be a fun addition..,

Sounds good..provided the enemies bring their hideout with them when they attack...


biffbaffboff Wrote:Time delay on district hopping.Now that would be fun.Bah to the players who say no.What are we playing here...time warp.Seriously If we get energy every 5 mins,how can we travel 150miles in 20 seconds.get a grip XD

It's districts, have you ever lived in a city? It's broken up into districts, I think this idea would be a pain in the arse for the simple fact that hey, I want to go to midland, grab some nimbus bars and then go back to downtown to attack some people. I dont want to wait 5 minutes to do that. Screw that.

IF that was to be added, better go ahead and add the gym to one district and make everyone travel there to train...... :roll:
Time delay on hopping districts is an extremely bad idea. It would completely remove the fun of trying to track someone down during a war. Say you have to wait 5 minutes to switch a district. That means it would take 20-30 minutes to check most/all disctricts provided that the other person stays in one place. Part of what makes wars fun is hunting people who are hopping.
Let's condense the newspaper (Has 090408), and the donators features.. like gym, and crimes, into maybe 2006, 2007.. show all of 2008 &09.. but package 06-07 Smile
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