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The ability to see your own Power Level?
i'd like that too
In POI the 500 best players in the game... :roll:
Being able to sort friends/enemy lists like the user list.
SisterLynx Wrote:Being able to sort friends/enemy lists like the user list.
Good One :wink:
SisterLynx Wrote:Being able to sort friends/enemy lists like the user list.
Like this one a lot, and what Marlo said about the mysterious power level
For those not in the top 50 of the poi, have the poi display your rank at the top of the screen on the combined total pages. i.e. I know where my accuracy is (from my home page), so it isn't needed there, but seeing where I am on total battle stats/work stats/overall would be nice.
If it was only on the poi page instead of the home page, the server impact should be less.
Same could be done with the wealth items, but the stats would be most beneficial.
Career resume. Being able to see all your careers details even when your already working a job. How many points you have in different careers, seeing your career levels, etc.
always stay logged in (or make it much much longer)
when u use last stim out of hosp, menus on left reset to normal w/o another click
referral totals at the top, not bottom of list of people you've referred
sort crimes by action cost
skills sorted by the ones you are training
when u click user list, it sorts by level, not ID
inactives over 90 days off the pantheon
i'm sure there are alot others, this is just off the top of my head
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