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Dingus Wrote:Simple. Implement a restriction that only lets you attack people 5 level above and 5 level below your curreent level. That would make every player chances more equal at play.
Im not sure Rafal would like this option!
That idea is not really that great
I'm not trying to step on toes, but Zenith DOES play this game a little bit, and how she decides to play it is how she will play it. If she thinks it's nonsense that w00k smashed some lower level players(To lighten the mood, in which he probably get a one hit wonder on), then she has all the right to stim them out.
If nothing happened to w00k, then it's not quite 'intervening,' but a helping hand, which any person in this game can do. Intervening would have been her stimming this person out, busting w00k's balls, and making him apologize for hitting those players(and her having made the consequence a ban for the day).
Zenith did nothing wrong here. Err did nothing wrong, either. Just because he doesn't respond doesn't mean he doesn't like you or doesn't care. He's either;
1) Busy
2) Not around to look at it
3) Looked at it, but discussing silently
Opinion: I think it was nonsense that w00k hospitalized the lower level, but it was his choice. w00k knows, as well as anyone else, that we get frustrated over some of the things that happen on this game, and Randomlands making him lose to Weebay happened to be that one thing that set w00k off. Perhaps Zenith came online to seeing this level..46? (Sorry..Don't memorize everything on the game) having blasted a level 2(And another person, I think) and left them in the hospital, and she got frustrated with the choice of actions on the w00k and decided to lend a helping hand out of her own pocket.
So..Basically, Zenith helped. Anyone could have, but Zenith took up the task.
Ive never been stimmed out by an admin serving a lengthy hospital stay that was unwarranted. Bottom line is you cant draw a line. If people want to hosp people, thats part of the game. People hosp people all the time for the simple fact that they dont like their username. Does that fall under 'spirit of the game'? Were they stimmed out by powers outside the norm?
Taco that was my toe do you mind

Oh..Sure. -Grinds his heel into his toe.-

Obviously, we do not know what's going on. The story you posted is one sided. There might have been many other things going on.
For example, do you think that the server down would have been a reason for the admin to do that? In normal cases, while the server down, your hosp and jail timer will paused. It is not fair to many players at all.
If, a BIG if, the admin did stim out several low level player out of "the spirit of game", it's not a big deal. I agree with Pun, Kain, and other post regarding to this topic.
You have to remember, low level player does not have the financial capability to be in a hosp war for a long period of time. Helping them out once awhile, in my opinion, it is not a bad thing.
This game is about being enjoyable for everyone. I doubt a hard working low player being hospitalized for several days would enjoy this game.
i'm gonna be maad upset if zen decides to *Fluffy Kittens*
how do u kno she didnt send stims?
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