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and cheetah "unretired"?
boy.... i cant leave a day!
Location: Retirement District
thats what people said about Pullo, so who knows!
Maybe Zen just got annoyed with him and moved him their for awhile.
ShadowKid Wrote:oh he will be back
For some very odd reason, I believe this is true.
well dont ask me no-one ever tells me anything :cry:
I kinda miss the big guy. Even if I didn't like him for much more than nothing.
EveryThing MUST come to an end at some point we will all have to end, its the sad truth of life, life gos on... i wonder, will AL ever come to its end???, or will our grandkids be playing it asking us what we were like in AL, HMMMmmmm... i wonder?... :?:
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