2008.Aug.19, 05:24 AM
2008.Aug.19, 05:31 AM
badmanbren Wrote:We're not speaking about the difference in a stat level give or take. More like 30 stat levels.
lol, in response to your mail. My last game, Kings of Chaos (which at its peak was over 250,000 players before the admins went MIA) was the King of randomness as well, yet still had a quarter of a million players.
Somebody's 1 million attack power could beat someone else's 1.75 million defense power. THAT was random. The random code was known then. As someone said, I think Dru, we don't always attack at our peak. The code in that game was you could attack/defend at anywhere from 55%-99.9% of your stat ranking. Imagine if that were the case in this game...losing to people half your strength in EVERY stat on just a leave. :shock:
Just as in this game..it got even crazier with the top ranks. Imagine a 1 billion defense rating (probably top 10 out of 225,000) compared to a 600 mil attack rating. almost double and 400,000 is a huge number, yet the guy up top still wasn't safe.
[/ends ramble]
2008.Aug.19, 06:41 AM
2008.Aug.19, 07:25 AM
A wise man wrote:
"The funniest thing would be if he is just on a vacation and got zenith to put him into the retirement district to see what happens when he gets back lol "
"The funniest thing would be if he is just on a vacation and got zenith to put him into the retirement district to see what happens when he gets back lol "
2008.Aug.19, 07:30 AM
Dingus we went over this a ton of times it not woot!
its WOOT WOOT WOOT oh yeah !!!!!!!.
its WOOT WOOT WOOT oh yeah !!!!!!!.

2008.Aug.19, 07:44 AM
badmanbren Wrote:We're not speaking about the difference in a stat level give or take. More like 30 stat levels.
w00k 439 4 435 0 4 449 190
My average damage is 449 vs Wook after 439 fights, I expect Weebays record on defense is a lot better since he is nr 10 overall in stats. And the hit was a hospitalization which will beef up the defender, and may cause him to do upto 30-40% more damage overall if you are really unlucky.
Keep in mind that Wook loses to Rafal when he buffs up.
You are also act like this is a plain battle, but you are forgetting that we can use cheap tricks such as belt, gang protection and gang backup, career points. And if Wook f'ed up he could've overencrumbranced himself with stims and nimbus, and then gotten under the encrumbrance limit after stimming out. Since the current gear tends to weigh a crap load, and the hit was during a gang war.
From of view, I just can't understand that people uses so much energy debating a single loss. If you lose to someone you usually win against it just means you need to improve, cause almost no one of the top players are standing still. You need to fight to gain stats faster then them, and you need to fight to get the best targets to gain levels faster.
I thought he would be happy to get another challenge, so that he had more people to compete against in the long run. Just being nr1-2 forever isn't much fun, if you are then Zenith could install an arcade for people to kill time that he could dominate.
(If you want to make an arcade to kill time Zenith and Err, please get the Yeti games! I wanna slap penguins around.)
2008.Aug.19, 08:10 AM
I really dont think seldom randomness is the issue here. Its the frequent randomness that is alarming. Ive had many discussions with him about it and I tend to agree with him. I used to cross my fingers when fighting someone a few levels above me...now I dread attacking someone levels below me that I know are way stronger than because this 'randomness' is happening too frequently. And its not even a matter of barely losing....there are times where I am getting absolutely destroyed by people I know I am stronger than.
But even so...admin ignoring the issue isn't helping much.
But even so...admin ignoring the issue isn't helping much.
2008.Aug.19, 08:12 AM
DebbiePinson Wrote:I really dont think seldom randomness is the issue here. Its the frequent randomness that is alarming. Ive had many discussions with him about it and I tend to agree with him. I used to cross my fingers when fighting someone a few levels above me...now I dread attacking someone levels below me that I know are way stronger than because this 'randomness' is happening too frequently. And its not even a matter of barely losing....there are times where I am getting absolutely destroyed by people I know I am stronger than.
But even so...admin ignoring the issue isn't helping much.
I believe this issue is caused by people choosing weapon skills and other people aren't.
Skills give quite a lot of power, nearly too much. It should be hit with a nerf stick in the increase of damage and the improved hit percent.
2008.Aug.19, 08:14 AM
the other thing is stat distribution, w00ks by far the strongest (bar loki) in acc+dex, meaning that his hit+evade rate will be extremely high, and he'll normally win. But weebay is one of the strongest on res+str, meaning that he will be a far more unpredictable force- sometimes he'll resist a monster amount, and sometimes he'll do massive crits. Sometimes, he'll do nothing at all. As in this case, he got a lucky crit for 900 damage.
Think of it like a master swordsman against a brute with an axe. It'll take a lot of hits to take the axeman down, but it'll happen eventually- and more often than not, the swordsman will win due to great skill, speed- he'll keep hitting and never get hit.
But with a combatant of that strength, the first hit that swordsman takes will probably be the last. Weebay and w00k basically are the complete AL embodiment of that.
Think of it like a master swordsman against a brute with an axe. It'll take a lot of hits to take the axeman down, but it'll happen eventually- and more often than not, the swordsman will win due to great skill, speed- he'll keep hitting and never get hit.
But with a combatant of that strength, the first hit that swordsman takes will probably be the last. Weebay and w00k basically are the complete AL embodiment of that.
2008.Aug.19, 08:16 AM
Druchii Wrote:DebbiePinson Wrote:I really dont think seldom randomness is the issue here. Its the frequent randomness that is alarming. Ive had many discussions with him about it and I tend to agree with him. I used to cross my fingers when fighting someone a few levels above me...now I dread attacking someone levels below me that I know are way stronger than because this 'randomness' is happening too frequently. And its not even a matter of barely losing....there are times where I am getting absolutely destroyed by people I know I am stronger than.
But even so...admin ignoring the issue isn't helping much.
I believe this issue is caused by people choosing weapon skills and other people aren't.
Skills give quite a lot of power, nearly too much. It should be hit with a nerf stick in the increased of damage and hit percent.
on the other hand defensive skills was added to balance that out