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Full Version: WTF happened to w00k?
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I didn't want to have to post any details. It was a hosp attempt on me. I got lucky I had a monster crit on him, hit him for 931. total of 6 hits. For me to get 6 hits on w00k has not been impossible, but seldom yes. I do have two stats that are higher than his, we talked about them possibly being the reason for my high crits?
I was always friendly with w00k despite all the beatings he administered to my gang and I. We were never on bad terms with each other, and always chatted. Hell he was the one that put me on to the "right way to train' when I was noob. I have him to partially thank for helping me getting moving at the pace that I do.
Believe it or not Marlo is crushed. They had the best love hate relationship I had seen!
Amongst everything else he was a great daily asset to the game and we all enjoyed AL'ing with him! He will be missed by the community.


Thanks for the clarification Weebs, classy move.



W00k's departure in disgust belongs to all of us, in a way. I seem to remember something about the legend of Alexander the Great, how he 'died of grief over a lack of worlds to conquer'.

Was W00k right to attack new players with insolence? Personally, I don't think so. But the admins refusal to address leading players' grievances, whatever they were, in the 'stepping over the line' thread represents a great failure on their part as well.

It may wll be that the departure of W00k will stand as the official half-life point of the Awakened lands.


I won't pretend to speak for w00k, but there's more after story to the loss to weebay which has led to the situation this thread speaks of.


Frankly I don't think w00k is going home crying. There was a problem with the old hospitalization code being reimplemented a few weeks ago that w00k brought to admin's attention, but was ignored until he finally lost to Marlo and then was given an apology. Now he noticed strange things again and lost to Weebay, and was given a response along the lines that he already knew the answer to his own questions, and he wouldn't like them.

Instead of playing a game he wasn't happy with, and give it thousands of more dollars he decided to stop playing. None of you even knew he had left until someone posted about it. So give the guy a break.

w00k played the game like it was a game. If anyone who he had hospitalized had ever talked to him on MSN you'd realize he was pretty much one of the most fun people you'd ever encounter.

Its funny though that certain people in this thread now mock him and call him a cry baby. If it wasn't for w00k this game would have been incredibly boring for so many people. Without villains to push to you to play harder you'll soon realize that this game becomes stale easily.
I would sugest either emailing him or posting here telling w00k how much he meant to you personally.


I already did... he won't respond to me Sad
Did you try to send over a singing clown?

How can anyone resist.


Well obviously this thread is headed toward an off topic death now.

::locks thread::
i talked to him since. and called him a big baby...among other things.
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