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System brings many problems, if however these can be avoided then it'd be a nice addition for those who want to restart IMO. If a player did restart to give there credits to another this would just be breaking rule #17 and result in a ban so it'd be pointless. No doubt some might try that though.
badmanbren Wrote:System brings many problems, if however these can be avoided then it'd be a nice addition for those who want to restart IMO. If a player did restart to give there credits to another this would just be breaking rule #17 and result in a ban so it'd be pointless. No doubt some might try that though.
Agreed, if some1 moved so much credits at 1 time, Zen would see it easily and be able to move them back or remove them completely. That would leave those players with a paypal problem to settle by themselves.
You get one throw of the dice if you make a mess with building your char you try and fix it and move one. With the cyber problem (someone maxing on the cheap stuff) Is there not a career that could help it when someone gets it to the right level.
IMO there is alot more important things at the min that need to be worked on and added (like new school courses or even senior and graduate levels for the schooling, more things to spend our gang points on that make a permanent help or boost to the gang) than trying to add something new.
well I dobelieve that Zen said there would be no more classes added.
There are some things that could be worked on but i think the best one would be a revamped crime code. The gang stuff can be added or changed later.
A second server however would be great. That would give those players that want a restart their restart without having to code anything. It may not be up for a vote but my vote would be for a second server.
If there were to be a second server id use that only for level 5 and under.All the new players could be nurtured in that before being thrown to the wolves in the main stream sever i.e this one.Would give them a chance to explore the game and give them something to strive for.Hit level 5 and they get to play with the big boys.Would make em hang around for more than 10 mins.
People wanting to restart the game because they screwed up and loaded up with a bunch of cheap cyber implants is crap. There's an entire page of warning at the cyberware shop. Just because people can't comprehend that reading, doesn't mean they should be allowed to start the game over again.
w00k Wrote:People wanting to restart the game because they screwed up and loaded up with a bunch of cheap cyber implants is drek. There's an entire page of warning at the cyberware shop. Just because people can't comprehend that reading, doesn't mean they should be allowed to start the game over again.
Hey Wook, FU!
Mod's shouldn't be able to restart, because then we would have lvl 1 mods.
thatthingufear Wrote:Mod's shouldn't be able to restart, because then we would have lvl 1 mods.
sometimes they act like level 1 mods anyway

badmanbren Wrote:Limited restarts could be the answer to that (Say only 1 restart ever). I think if people want to restart let them be, just need to find the right rules and drek to keep it in order and stop more drek occuring from it.
Saerin Wrote:There are some things that could be worked on but i think the best one would be a revamped crime code. The gang stuff can be added or changed later..
While I completely agree with Badmanbren and his comment Saerin makes a better point. I would rather see Zenith's and Err's time spent on game content than this complicated and time consuming option. The rules, regulations, do's and do not's, calculations, etc to get this going will probably take longer than the actual coding.
I'm with Saerin. Let's see the crime code improved. Let's see a shop that sells swimming pools and pool tables. We all need to spruce up our homes. I want a silencer attachment for my gun like that guy from 'No Country for Old Men' so the chances of getting caught in combat are lessened. I want cool packaging for my meth so I can outsell the competition. These are a few of my favorite things....âªâ«
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