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Full Version: Starting your account over from scratch requests
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abysmalpoptart Wrote:i think if you restart you should get a permanent tag ® on your name that shows youre a restart, just like the scarlet letter

basically because if you do this, youre a dirty whore

lol A big red R


I say if you restart that you restart from nada... It's your choice to restart so credits shouldn't come over at all. And your previous character should go to NPC status so that everyone and thier mother can use it/him/her for XP.. potentially even your NEW you if you ever get up there...

the holding cash with gang mates could be a hazard but hopefully that will be mitigated by low stats Smile


Well if gang point syphoning wasnt based so much on level; it would be alot better. It is like punishing someone for working hard to raise their level.

It should have a much more closer correlation to overall powerlevel.
My way of looking at this issue is that I think people shouldn't get to restart. You mess up too big and you will have problems trailing you for some time, and that's what will keep you in place in the future. And that's also what's keeping the new players in line, knowing that if they mess up big, it will stick on them.

If players could just restart with a new identity, I believe they would more easily start crap up since they can just fall back on a new identity if things go too far.


Limited restarts could be the answer to that (Say only 1 restart ever). I think if people want to restart let them be, just need to find the right rules and drek to keep it in order and stop more crap occuring from it.


Boo to restarts.

You all made your beds, you get to lie in them.
Let's take an example...

Assume a level 37 player who has amassed 100,000 credits through donations wants a new beginning. He upset a couple of people who now throttle him every day, plus he screwed up on cyberware by buying the cheap stuff.

Yikes, who would do that :oops:
chance Wrote:Yikes, who would do that :oops:



I see it this way.If someone wants ONE chance to make emends for errors they made or to have a fresh go at climbing the ladder then let them have it.My only concern is that old players could come back and Be refunded for their donations through scams.

It would be like this.If pullo never wants to play this game ever again, he hears through the grapevine about the credit reimburcement and thinks hmm im gonna make a new char get 300000 credits and sell them to my AL friends for irl cash through paypal at half the price they sell for now.He gets half his money back and then quits... AGAIN lol.Its open to abuse if the credits are given back.Perhaps they would have to spend the credits at each level before they get the next batch.
biffbaffboff Wrote:I see it this way.If someone wants ONE chance to make emends for errors they made or to have a fresh go at climbing the ladder then let them have it.My only concern is that old players could come back and Be refunded for their donations through scams.

It would be like this.If pullo never wants to play this game ever again, he hears through the grapevine about the credit reimburcement and thinks hmm im gonna make a new char get 300000 credits and sell them to my AL friends for irl cash through paypal at half the price they sell for now.He gets half his money back and then quits... AGAIN lol.Its open to abuse if the credits are given back.Perhaps they would have to spend the credits at each level before they get the next batch.

Good point.
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