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hydro9226 Wrote:I don't get the rebuy cash part btw
Simply put, if you donated and converted credits to cash, you can get those credits back for the restart if you buy them back. Otherwise they will have to be lost credits because they are already in the economy.
As for being difficult to calculate, you'd be surprised what we have logs on hehe.
thatthingufear Wrote:Didn't Pullo quit because he got bored of beign number 1?
if restarts are even allowed at all, they should be in an extreme, and in the discretion of the moderators, not the admins IMO. mostly to avoid getting in the way of the admins doing that zany stuff they do

go zen and err! .. . . what does err do?
especially since the mods are the supreme rulers of the forums, which means they would be extremely strict about who should and should not get their restarts, which would lead to about 1 out of every 100 applicants receiving their request. and since i expect 99 people to apply at the maximum, nobody will restart

i dont see why there would be a problem to keep the credits/money/house you alraedy have. obviously if you start from lvl 1 you wouldnt be able to get the villa, and if you'd power level you'd just get your ass kicked by everyone. if you restart your account you'll have low level stats which means the t-450 shotgun you have wont be able to get equipt until you train your stats. if the account was restarted endurance/intelligence wouldnt matter considering its back to lvl 1. so i dont see why you would wanna take their wealth away also. not that i'm even considering restarting my account but it just doesnt make sense to me.
Wasted development time that could be used to implement something for everyone and not just ~5% of the population that might actually use this.
it makes sense if you have half a brain and think that months worth of work is good to throw away for no good reason
thatthingufear Wrote:Didn't Pullo quit because he got bored of beign number 1?
Maybe she could restart too, just to see if she could be #1 again in a year or less?
Mods?!?!? WTH does
FORUM mods have to do with a restart in the game?!?!?
ROFLMAO why would someone go through everything all over regardless of mistakes. You make a mistake you learn from it and hopefully guide others to not make your mistake
In real life you cant press the restart button and you shouldnt be able to here. If a player has gotten into to much trouble maybesaid person needs to work on his ppl skills
sorry she, that was before my time and the acount says male
hydro9226 Wrote:thatthingufear Wrote:Didn't Pullo quit because he got bored of beign number 1?
Maybe she could restart too, just to see if she could be #1 again in a year or less?
Zen wishes.
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