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Loki Wrote:hydro9226 Wrote:thatthingufear Wrote:Didn't Pullo quit because he got bored of beign number 1?
Maybe she could restart too, just to see if she could be #1 again in a year or less?
Zen wishes.

Maybe thats why she started this thread, to try and bring pullo back.

what do the mods have to do with it?
i'd rather someone whining about a restart would have to deal with a panel of mods who have nothing better to do than trol the forums for random curses and potential gay references than the admins who are trying to change the overall game for everyone.
BRING PULLO BACK all sorts of other inactives have started poppin up bring back the TOP DOG
that would be fun

this is silly.
no re-starts.
if you are in that big of a whole with an "enemy"....send an apology to someone and ask them for a new start.
its kind of like when w00k was hospitolizing me all the time for making fun of how drek he is. after a while, i asked him to leave me alone and i promised not to call him names (even if they were true in nature). he was nice about it and hardly touches me now.
That would be interesting to see how hitmen4hire did against the agency
I think you should only get one shot, no restarts!
i think restarts should only be allowed for people who get hit online for $10
once you get online hit for that little, i think you've hit bottom
Maybe you could get a restart if you where under lvl 10, or at or above lvl 50
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