07.October.5 - Multiple hospitalizations against the same target in a 24-hour span have a change of the attacker getting caught by the cops as he hangs around to thoroughly beat his opponent. Multiple attacks of any type against the same player heightens their awareness and ability to defend themselves.
1st of all im infuriated. :x :x :x at attacking a NPC and getting jailed and having to use 25 valuable credits to get out of jail after defeating Jack Mort easy. :x Jack Mort doesnt matter.
At my level now there is very very very few plp to attack ? I can attack small plp and get hardly any experience for it and have them complain to Zen for me beating them up as im too big for them.!
This code will not work for me and allot of others Zen, the code shouldnt be introduced just now unless it can have stipulations in it as its gonna restrict plp over lvl 30 attacking plp.
The fact is we have to attack to grow in level and this new code is going to stop us doing that, PLUS COST US ALLOT IN CREDITS to get out of jail.!!!
This is just wrong and not directed at the problem it was designed for.

I can't believe it but I Agree with this 100%
maybe there could be a 'Spar' option when you attack someone, and that would get you same XP but only bring their health to 1/2 and not put them in hospital.
that would be a better solution and then you could still keep the current code too.
syntheticdarkness Wrote:I can't believe it but I Agree with this 100%
maybe there could be a 'Spar' option when you attack someone, and that would get you same XP but only bring their health to 1/2 and not put them in hospital.
that would be a better solution and then you could still keep the current code too.
.. Wouldn't that make xp gaining by fighting a little too easy?
koko you are not really affected by this code as you have around 100 plp to attack and get good exp.?
I aint got that and have very few plp i can attack to get exp to grow.

So this is going to slow my growth down as its pointless attacking plp that i can beat and get jailed for.
Yoda's idea is a nice solution. :wink: something has to be done as this is just wrong BUT im confident Zen will find a solution.

I'm just saying getting normal xp for just taking someone to mid hp is a little easy.
Although i would like a solution for both sides, being attacked continuously aint fun at all either.
you would still have to defeat them for full hp, it would only take them down half so they can still play the game.
Reduced time and back at half life right away, very interesting indeed.
Maybe turn it off for inactive (or more than 3 days since last action?) players and NPC's?
That would def be a pain to be jailed for attacking NPC and/or Inactive Players. I'm not as high as you guys yet but i'm having trouble finding people to attack worth my time and effort too.
has anyone been jailed yet for this? wondering at what number attack it was within 24 hours and how close it was from last attack. also, how long was jailtime?
I put this off a long time. I didn't want to limit people. I know flat out a daily cap on attacking the same person would never work. But lately there have been too many players giving me absolutely no choice but to implement some sort of deterrent without putting in a hard cap.
I don't get to code much anymore. My entire day is spent trying to negotiate peace between players who want the other one to quit. I get to witness how players spend their entire day hospitalizing someone, then read their mails where they say they want to ruin the fun for whoever they are attacking. My day is spent sorting through countless emails of people telling me how I should interpret the rules. I punish someone and then I get reamed for it. I don't punish someone and I get reamed for it.
There has to be some sort of solution. Maybe this isn't the best solution, but what is? I can't make everyone happy, but I am not going to sit idly watching long-time players quit because someone stronger than them wants to keep attacking them all day long to ruin their fun.
Perhaps the chance at getting stuck in jail is too high. Perhaps 4 attacks against 1 player in a 24 hour period is just not enough before the CHANCE at getting stuck in jail happens (since that's what it is set to right now).
I could bring in 3 or so players to handle these complaints, but then people will either hate the people I bring in or feel like these people are getting some sort of admin privilege in-game. Do I really want to subject high-level players (the only people who could have an effect on FORCING someone not to be a jerk) to the effects of non-stop complaints? My job is to handle these things, not to unload them on someone who wants to play.
I agree, players who haven't logged in for a day or three probably shouldn't have the jail chance. NPCs likewise. I'll throw that into the code hopefully by the end of the day. But unless someone has some innovative way to stop players from being nasty to each other, this type of thing is here to stay.