agamemnon Wrote:Why don't we create another half-dozen NPC's for the higher level players? Guys at the higher levels are having to hit players who are 10 levels below them just to get their experience points because all the other high level players are online all the time.
And for the lower level winning vs a higher 1. I also think the person with the best stats should win but with some limits. A lvl 23 with 3-4 more stats level than a level 30+ shouldn't even stand a chance IMO, much less hp, like in all rpg that ever existed, the hit rate of some1 so much lower should be heavily penalized and etc. If you have twice the stats of the other, ok but having just a few more shouldn't make you able to take on people with twice your hp.
Quote:I just feel that if you are hitting anyone with the option "leave them" and they're offline, then you should not be facing a penalty
Well said Ush..Who cares if you get hit offline.? You loose next to nothing anyways.? So we are being penalised for this for nothing.? Its a bad move for the site.!!
Anyway, if i wanted to attack a guy and make it hard for him on here if he was saying personal remarks about my wife and i, I would gladly pay the 25 credits everytime just to attack him and get out of jail as 25 credits is nothing to me.
So this change is very wrong for this site and going down a wrong road, there will be more unhappy plp than happy on here soon, AND IM ONE OF THEM. :x
It would be better the code coming into effect if the person was online less than 2-3 hrs or so but after that time the code was ineffective as it wouldnt matter.
Just trying to find a solution, not cause problems for you zen

Actually, I think this an excellent idea. And for some to assume it was anyone in particular gnawing Zen's ear off with whines is a little premature considering all the whining from other parties concerning certain situations. Way to go Zen on implementing this code. Not that this will stop all the whining, way to go to make it enjoyable for the rest of the community.
As far as running out of people to attack, here is an example.
You can hit someone 4 times and then have a chance to go to jail. Lets say you put someone in the hospital for 30 min. Ok, hit someone else. They go in the hospital for 30 min, hit someone else. By the time you have gone through about 3 or 4 attacks (if you can) the first person is out of the hospital and ready for another attack. Doing this you can still get your XP and train without having to worry about going to jail. Besides, you have a chance to go to jail, not definitely going its up, to you to decide if it is worth the risk.
so for the player who logs in every hour or so to train etc would still be facing the same attack patterns that she is trying to eliminate if she went with some of your solutions. constant repititous attacks is the problem that is trying to be resolved. whether the player selects leave or hospitalize if they have a grudge as soon as you are out you are right back in.
I do understand that, but each time you attack after 4 in a 24 hour period, the attacker runs the risk of getting in jail. So, it is up to the attacker to decide if what ever that person did to you is the worth the risk of jail and having to use credits to get out or sitting there until someone busts you out. The new code was designed to limit or eliminate the repeated attacks, but everyone knows it never will. There will always be some idiot who thinks its great to keep attacking one person just because they don't agree with their point of view. Attacking will never stop, and neither will repeated attacks, but maybe with this new code the defender can at least hope it won't be so often as it once was.
I dont see what all the complaining is about.
1). When was the last time anybody came close to spending their whole jail time? You go to jail someone will bust you out anyway so you dont need to use credits to get out. So that argument is a weak one at best.
2). People were getting around the old hospitalization code so it needed to be adapted to get what it was intended for accomplished.
Personally I like the code. I think you should get a defensive bonus for each attack that a person sends your way. This helps with the possible breaking of rule #9. I dont agree with attacking someone repeatedly for days on end just because you dont like what they said. I Dont mind a few trips or attacks to make your point but to carry it on for 3 and 4 days is rather childish
And as far as I know the combat code does lean more towards stats than level. the reason a level 30 cant beat a level 40 is more because of HP than other factors.
well put grover. I agree completely with you.
If a lower level player with better stats can achieve greater critical hits than a higher level with weak stats more power to them. the lower level still has to overcome the large hit points of the high level player.
The last two times I have been sent to jail for attacking I have spent my entire time in the jail. The issue is the times are so low, there is at least 2-4 people above you to be busted. This is yet another issue I have with this change.
To be honest we should have level caps in the game. Meaning, a level 40 can ONLY attack a level 35-45. And a level 10 can only attack level 5-15. What this does, IMO is slow down the higher ups, and really promotes team work within the game.
That is all.
I really like that idea, that way there can be no complaining that someone 11 levels higher than you is attacking you repeatedly just because you are friends with someone the attacker is annoyed with. Yet, I still like the code and feel it is about time....good job Zenith.
it just gives me a better opperyunity to attack you muppets now 4 times daily as i have not many others to Suffer the conciquences muppets...rofl