What about somone being a moderator. This someone should be a non player and is responsible for sorting out bullies and silly little children fights. This should stop the constant attacks.
The moderator should be a high lvl/stat person who can bang heads together but only in an inforcement way.
Offline attacks should not come into it unless someone is attacking 25-30 times a day on the same person.
I know this might not be that good a suggestion but its an idea that could help.
Quote:I think if somebody decides to make another person their favorite hospital target that the credits cost should then double for that person. It normally costs 25 credits to get out of jail but if you are caught twice for hospitalizing the same person then the second time should be 50 credits to get out, third time: 100 credits, fourth time: 200 credits and so on. Then it would really be expensive to hospitalize that person yourself. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!
What just to suit you low level whinners.lol Dont you think i get hit all the time with bigger guys.? If you dont do nothing nasty to plp then you wont get hosped all the time.lol
Soon i wont be able to hit anyone on here..

Wow, calm down. Patience peeps, I am sure ADMIN will read this thread. Please stop threatening to quit it makes the individual threatening diminish the value of the thread. I am not liking the current situation right now either. I feel if you hit someone offline then so be it. Repetitive online attack by all means should lead to possible chance of getting caught. Never forget too, that changes affect everyone. Where if I can't attack much as a high level person, it is affecting more high-levelers than myself. Take it easy everyone, and let's try to keep criticism, well, constructive.
A few quick points.
1). If you want to quit because of changes made to the game...then quit! dont threaten to do it. It makes you no better than all the so called whiners you are complaining about.
2). there is a difference between hospitalizing someone because you can and you are hoping they quit and playing the game and just attacking them to get XP. Some people will complain about being attack 9 times a day and others won't I am sure that if you were the one that couldnt afford to keep buying stims and found yourself in the hospital everytime you logged on you would either quit or complain yourself hoping that maybe the other person would back off just a bit so you could enjoy the game as well.
3). Zenith has already shown a willingness to adapt her changes to be as fair as possibible to everyone.
4). It sounds as if the code is merely designed to punish repeated hospitalizations with jail time. If you went to jail for leaving a npc or player, to me it sounds more like a logical error in the code at the moment. The defensive bonus is supposed to be the only deterrent from attacking the same person repeatedly. If I am wrong I am sure that Zenith will correct me when she gets back from her mini vacation. If I am right I am sure she will fix the problem when she gets back.
5). as for the level cap...maybe dont make it so that they cannot attack people too far below them. Perhaps just make it so they get 0xp for people 10 or more levels below them,,,maybe even reward the defender with Bonus XP for being attacked by someone so much stronger than themselves.
Seems silly to gain a bonus for being attacked by someone 10 levels higher... I could just start sending mails to a level 39+ calling them all the names under the sun.. then reach the next level with ease lol.
I think people are getting over pissed at the suggestions now, not the code itself, which is understandable.
I've been hearing people complain about how the donators have so much advantage over the poor players and now some1 suggest to make the jailbust cost more credits, makes no sense, in any way I look at it.
Yes, the main reason for this change was to try to stop or at least slow down the 24/7 hospitalizations and every1 got dragged in it, not because Zen is a bad admin but because it's the best way to stop players from going around the hosp problem.
Inactives and NPC are already removed from the getting jailed after 4 attacks but I like the defense bonus added, looks to me (could be my imagination here) that some ppl just give more and more exp after a few fights while still not giving me any trouble.
Level cap was already suggested about 7 months ago and its still the -sorry if I insult any1 here but it's the truth- the dumbest idea ever. Every darn game that tried to limit their players as to what action they can do or how/how fast they can build a character has died quickly, why try to make the same mistake?
And it would have to be based on power level, not just level since everything about battles is based on that power level rating. Still not good anyway. Suggest it for players under level 20 if you want but after that, us, that don't have 238 targets of the same level as ours wouldn't win anything with that.
Quote:1). If you want to quit because of changes made to the game...then quit! dont threaten to do it. It makes you no better than all the so called whiners you are complaining about.
Boy you just bought yerself a whole lotta Hospital time.
Im gonna bag me some muppets today then we will se who's whinning to zen. 8)
Can someone remind me which group/groups influenced the addition of "rule #9" ?
:oops: Not me.

mtngti Wrote:Can someone remind me which group/groups influenced the addition of "rule #9" ?
Do you really want an answer or do I wait until we're alone in the dark?