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im not really a fan of this code, even tho i tend to get attacked repeatedly, if i'm offline when it happens, and if i log on in the hospital and they give me a stim or 2, i dont really care AT ALL. seriously. doesnt bother me whatsoever. if they dont EVER give me stims, yeah its annoying, but i give really good exp :/

plus i get the best EXP from only a few players, so that repeated attacking stuff could hurt me, even if theyve been offline for liek 3 hours.. sadness!!!!

i also got jailed PLENTY of times as it was from fighting people and meth lab and ... well lets say i've got some frequent flyer miles btwn home and jail. but i guess we'll see soon enough how good this code is
It is a great pleasure to see a level 15 bully who has been constantly attacking my players under level 10 and telling them their is nothing they could do to finally lose because of this new code. So there is a positive to this. We don't have to hospitalize the bullies anymore if they want to constantly attack/mug Smile
abysmalpoptart Wrote:plus i get the best EXP from only a few players, so that repeated attacking stuff could hurt me, even if theyve been offline for liek 3 hours.. sadness!!!!
EXACTLY. I attack some of the same people repeatedly when trying to level. It's nothing personal. More of a compliment. Exp goes down with every new attack per day when attacking the same person anyways. Maybe move it up to 6 instead of 4?


Its gonna ruin this game for bigger players as we have no one to attack as it is, it would be different if we had another 20-30 NPC's to attack and share but we dont, so im going to be jailed for attacking plp i have to attack. Sad

Just because of some muppets. :x


20 NPC might be a little exaggerated but getting 2-3 more wouldn't hurt, especially stronger ones.

Do the exp gained goes up as the victims gains their bonuses for repeated attacks?

I think the normal attacks are included because it would be too easy to go around the hospitalization jailing if it was only for that. If you can't hosp some1 6 times a day because of the new code, ppl would simply hit them with leave or mug 20 times a day, wouldn't do any good/difference, IMO.

I would also like to know where people heard the game was more inclined toward stats now? Last time I heard about it, a long time ago, things were set at pretty much 50/50 stats/level so players lvl 30 wouldn't lose to a level 20 having better stats. Was this changed again since?


well as zen said either way she is goingto hear it,but i agree you players 30 plus lvls need a few more strongier NPCs to attack,and as for a 20 th lvl beating a 30th lvl i feel if a lower lvl can beat a highier lvl then ir only means the highier lvl is just building lvls and not stats
I still think it's funny that level 15's are complaining that this will affect their game because they attack the same people more than 4 times a day. There are plenty of players where repetition is not necessary. I rarely if ever attack the same person in a day at my level, simply because there are plenty of players both active & inactive.

imo this change was greatly needed and for the higher levels it is a difficult change to adapt to but for the greatest majority there should be no complaint. compile ourselves a list of inactives in your level range and spread or attacks out. I personally check the hospital frequently for players close to my level and save the inactives to use as target practice. just my .04 sorry so long
I just feel that if you are hitting anyone with the option "leave them" and they're offline, then you should not be facing a penalty. Online attacks by all means are risky and therefore there needs to be the option of being caught. If the individul being attacked is offline, there is no reason to believe they would see the attack coming.


that i a good point,maybe the new code should apply to online attack and hospitalizing


Why don't we create another half-dozen NPC's for the higher level players? Guys at the higher levels are having to hit players who are 10 levels below them just to get their experience points because all the other high level players are online all the time.
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