Actually that is a good point. Now I can only attack higher levels four times a day. Now I may have to start hitting lower levelers to keep my self out of jail. This could potentially make this problem worse.
I believe there may be a glitch in the code. The way I understand it you are only supposed to have the chance to go to jail if you choose the hospitalise attack option, and not if you just attack people and leave them, but they are supposed to get a combat bonus for each attack made by you against them. To me that only seems reasonable.
Now Ush mentioned a level cap as to who you can and cant attack. I see some possiblities with that but you will get the same whining "I cant attack people 12 levels below me for the 67 xp they give me anymore" posts.
Ushanewnewba Wrote:To be honest we should have level caps in the game. Meaning, a level 40 can ONLY attack a level 35-45. And a level 10 can only attack level 5-15. What this does, IMO is slow down the higher ups, and really promotes team work within the game.
That is all.
Ok, this is where I do start to whine for real.
I'm probably 1 of the few in this situation but I'm sure I'm not alone either.
you implement something like that and I'll be forced to stop playing. Not quit, stop. Why? My phone won't let me train (this is the part I know I'm not alone in) and if we stick to 5 levels above or under, I have 1 target left that I can beat or is not in my gang. And if I hit that target more than 4 times a day, I risk getting jailed. Since my time on AL is splitted about 75-80% on cell and 20-25% on pc, I'll have nothing left to do all day long except but crimes. Boring.
A new code is suppose to help players, not make them stop playing, even if it's only 2-3 players, it would still be a bad code.
As of now, this should slow down the attacks and hospitalizations, if it doesn't, just get a higher level to do the job. Eventually, there will be no more higher level left and it will stop.
I attack for experience. And due to my low humanity (cyborg) my happiness refresh is extremely slow, so I in turn attack A LOT! I have 3-5 inactive targets that I share with 3-5 other players. That leaves like three guys near me that I can hit for good experience. I'm good with any changes that are made, I can adapt to pretty much anything. i am just saying that I will be hitting those who may have been safe before, and now they must be entered into my rotation of attacks. I feel this hurts the middle class of AL.
havent read all this but my 2 pence worth.
Attacking and leaving is completely different from Attacking and hosping. Different message sent. I approve of the change for the hospitalisation option but find it ludicrous to be penalised for attacking and leaving.
andyscho Wrote:haven't read all this but my 2 pence worth.
Attacking and leaving is completely different from Attacking and hosping. Different message sent. I approve of the change for the hospitalization option but find it ludicrous to be penalized for attacking and leaving.
I agree, especially offline "leaves."
I think if somebody decides to make another person their favorite hospital target that the credits cost should then double for that person. It normally costs 25 credits to get out of jail but if you are caught twice for hospitalizing the same person then the second time should be 50 credits to get out, third time: 100 credits, fourth time: 200 credits and so on. Then it would really be expensive to hospitalize that person yourself. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Slowly going back to the pillow fights*
I still have my collection of carebears from when I was a kid if any1 need them to sleep or want to be tucked in bed with a nice hug.
hydro9226 Wrote:*Slowly going back to the pillow fights*
I still have my collection of carebears from when I was a kid if any1 need them to sleep or want to be tucked in bed with a nice hug.
Can I have one??
I'd like to use it for
target practise!

Is Camp Awakenedlands Re-Opening? :shock: