(2011.Oct.31 12:52 PM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ]what is a blue sim pack?? got friggin jerky as well... what a waste LOL
Trick or Treat!!
Sweet! Treats!
Sym-Pak - Blue! Apparently stopping by the Decatur Rehab Clinic wasn't such a bad idea.
i guess its a surprise...
Too is the word you are looking for.
I was at work...

I missed 10 hours....and now is night and I must sleep...

not cool
i have 30 so far anybody beat that?
In 5 min I got 8....
some Sour Batch Pets and Crease's Cup
Mongo just sneaked behind you and swiped some of your candy while you knocked on the door! What's worse is they didn't even answer!

Twice in one night? I need to work on my intelligence. PffftT