(2011.Nov.03 05:09 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Nov.03 03:40 AM)shadow55 Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Nov.03 03:25 AM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Nov.02 02:55 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Nov.02 07:38 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Bonfire night contest next? 5th November. Big event in the UK. Guy Fawkes and all that
Australia Day 26th of January if we are looking to include other countries big days.
I agree with glen if u guys get a contest australia should get one to.
There's already a thread with good ideas for an Australian day contest. However I think we should all calm down with the contests, and look forward to some updates. New content is priority IMO.
i am pretty sure you are talking about the one i created and Zen told me should would consider using.... didn't hold my breath waiting for it..
Not sure, I know you, myself and a couple of others through in some nice ideas
Got my candies, but no description of the buff you get. Anyone able to link a list for them?
There shit lol and the only one I won worth looking at got taken from me by mongo what a coincedence
Anyone got a blue sympak an care to share what they do with the rest of us?
(2011.Nov.03 08:40 AM)kalamari00 Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone got a blue sympak an care to share what they do with the rest of us?
Didn't get one, but found it in the db with relative ease.
Sym-Pak - Blue
Item Type Medical
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 2
Concealment Rating 2
Weight (kilograms) 1.1 kg
Standard Price $15,000
Trade-in Value $1
PermaGrin Pharmaceuticals has come out with a new line of SymPacks. After a late night working on enhancing the formula for their Orange SymPacks, the lab technicians needed a quick pick-me-up. Combining only the finest ingredients from their labs with the technology behind the Orange SymPack, they proudly present Blue SymPacks. As with their previous product, they can also harm the user due to overuse. A rare side effect of use is "crashing", or losing some of one's energy.
Blue SymPaks have a 100% chance of improving one's action points by up to 25% of max action points. But they have a 50% chance of decreasing your hit points as a result. Drop below 1 hp and you can be hospitalized. There is an unspecified (but low) chance of losing 10% of your energy as well.
There is speculation on the active ingredients in the Blue SymPacks, however, the head of R&D for PermaGrin Pharmaceuticals is currently serving a term for distribution of Meth, and is unavailable for comment.
so they refill ap up to 25%?
are these brand new to this contest?
(2011.Nov.03 09:12 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]so they refill ap up to 25%?
are these brand new to this contest?
That's what the description would suggest, but, as I said, I don't actually have any...and yes, they are new to this contest, or, at the very least, new to this db.
(2011.Nov.03 03:25 AM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Nov.02 02:55 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Nov.02 07:38 AM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Bonfire night contest next? 5th November. Big event in the UK. Guy Fawkes and all that
Australia Day 26th of January if we are looking to include other countries big days.
I agree with glen if u guys get a contest australia should get one to.
we only do american holidays. now shut up
If anyone wants to buy a Blue Sympak I have one spare and will sell to the highest bidder