(2013.Sep.04 01:36 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]lol boush your like a million days old already hahaha
I was hoping you were going to say something douchey like "tush the sphincter"
i made it to level 50 i thought it was somethink great but i thought wrong this game is sad.but do i get the crown

I don't think so, I saw you before kill the 300 day level 50 with a healthy status remaining afterwards.
(2013.Sep.16 01:02 PM)strqaz Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think so, I saw you before kill the 300 day level 50 with a healthy status remaining afterwards.
haha that person wont be able to do shit but beat people her own age know matter what her lvl
Isn't that the point of power-leveling? If you can beat most people your age you probably are developing your character the right way. Without massive credit purchases there probably isn't really a way to catch older players who are active.
Dunno about that, we're friends and she just sent me a log proving she gained a total of 12 rating in her stats 10 days after she stopped "leveling".
Now of course I won't say the actual rating range and stuff else she will level up on my ass instead haha. My house sucks, she has a menciano. She also never purchased credits using real life cash, just those retardedly overpriced credits.
I also agree with Malvos' point, 300 days to level 50 compared relatively with a high level/statted is about the same if you consider the "overall strength" / days played ratio
SP^CE HUNT3R 56 61 Bit off more than they could chew with Jay Miranda.
(2013.Sep.16 01:05 PM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ] (2013.Sep.16 01:02 PM)strqaz Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think so, I saw you before kill the 300 day level 50 with a healthy status remaining afterwards.
haha that person wont be able to do shit but beat people her own age know matter what her lvl
ColdBeerHere bailed you out of jail for
6:51 pm
Someone bought your 30 credits from
the market for $18,000.
19.Apr.14 UNKAGED attacked you and lost.
19.Apr.14 UNKAGED attacked you and lost.
19.Apr.14 NastyFO attacked you and lost.
19.Apr.14 UNKAGED attacked you and lost.
19.Apr.14 UNKAGED attacked you and lost.
19.Apr.14 UNKAGED attacked you and lost.
19.Apr.14 UNKAGED attacked you and lost
He's not lvl 50.. that goes in the braggingsection.
If anyone had been paying attention to the hosp the past week, it seems like its DMW back on the crown, the 300 d lvl 50 leave'd him a couple of times with fair hp remaining.
Wonder what's her stats now?