20283 DM Batman 57 67 Bit off more than they could chew with FilthyMick.
Cough cough
(2013.Jun.18 08:00 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]20283 DM Batman 57 67 Bit off more than they could chew with FilthyMick.
Cough cough
he was 58% but yea still very crown worthy
this is pornkingintraining biting off trying to zerk me in the DM 36 hosp war.
Ares FightLog 3.0.1
Attack Type Berserk Rage
Total Combatants 2
Attack Result Win
Initial Hit Points 100%
Total Combat Rounds 17
Experience Points Earned 331.0
Attack Time
Jul 25 2013 - 5:13:54
Last Action
Jul 25 2013 - 4:06:45
Encumbrance Rate 0.820
Weapon Used
Constitution Arms SB-1
Armor Used 2M Power Armor T3
Helmet Used
2M Assault Helmet -T3
Shielding Worn Febiani EH301
Ranged Bonus No
Defense Bonus No
Hits 12 (70.6%)
Damage Dealt 3571 (297.6)
Damage Resisted 929 (77.4)
Best Hit 648
Hits from Opponent(s) 16 (94.1%)
Damage Received from
3050 (190.6)
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 963 (60.2)
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 252
Below are all opponents involved in the battle.
Attack Result Loss
Opponent's Level 49
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned -331.0
Last Action Time
Jul 25 2013 - 5:13:54
Weapon Used Melee
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 16
Damage Dealt 3050
Damage Resisted 963
Best Hit 252
Hits from Opponent(s) 12
Damage Received from
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 929
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 648
Hospital Minutes 69
Dose that mean i get the crown cause im weak and your weak and i bit of to weak player give it to me.[/u]
Son ... I am a Noob that was my point
Nightwind is the crown and she knows it
Check this thread cosely it`s full of KGB haters
Mostly 36
protect yo neck

sadly, he wasnt hatin, he was only looking to clarify and accept it. u=you gotta know pk better to really know
(2013.Jul.29 11:27 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]sadly, he wasnt hatin, he was only looking to clarify and accept it. u=you gotta know pk better to really know
know pk better=understand a flaming attention whoring retard