Wardy's got the 50 crown, hands down. I best that fucker with fists.
(2013.Mar.16 09:28 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ] (2013.Mar.16 08:50 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2013.Mar.16 05:11 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]I think my friend ryback has the 40's crown
So ryback had the 40's crown, hunter has the 50's and cober has the 60's.
Well done 36, what an achievement 
I have 50 lol wardy, cissero, joekerr,cornealingus,wahhhzz,marlo,Preditor, reknak
And batman probberly missing a few too 
didn't see my name on this list. it belongs bewteen cissero and joekerr
(2013.Mar.16 09:15 AM)kingkhan Wrote: [ -> ]i dont mind being the weakest but just a month or 2 from now ill be better and stronger...
If u hate the crown so bad don't worry gimme a month max and ill take it from u
Currently holding the 30's crown I guess (active players only)
check out the hospital i defeated deadmanwalking easily so i think he has the 40s crown...

(2013.Mar.18 09:49 AM)kingkhan Wrote: [ -> ]check out the hospital i defeated deadmanwalking easily so i think he has the 40s crown...
show fight log for more evidence mate!
(2013.Mar.23 11:36 PM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ] (2013.Mar.18 09:49 AM)kingkhan Wrote: [ -> ]check out the hospital i defeated deadmanwalking easily so i think he has the 40s crown...
show fight log for more evidence mate!
I think deamanwalking loves the crit! And by crit I do not mean dick.
Give me it!
196 days. 1/3rd of which ain't donator status. About 1 month total wasted from hosp wars.
Gonna be 50 hopefully in 100 days! Summer break ftw!
Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
Resplendent Leave Win 9 7 2,359 0 0 666
u prolly do take the crown
(2013.May.14 08:50 PM)saphira444 Wrote: [ -> ]Give me it!
196 days. 1/3rd of which ain't donator status. About 1 month total wasted from hosp wars.
Gonna be 50 hopefully in 100 days! Summer break ftw!
lvl 50 in 100 days, goodluck man

be interesting too see.
(2013.May.15 02:38 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
Resplendent Leave Win 9 7 2,359 0 0 666
u prolly do take the crown
Yep this confirms it, love the 666 lol
Thanks zyzz, it will be barely and that calculation is based on no refresh missed for 18 hrs everyday and no other distractions in game, which is unlikely haha