(2011.Oct.26 09:07 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Oct.26 08:34 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]25868 S}~{A SHADOWHUNT3R 47 40 Bit off more than they could chew with BigNick.

I know right must of been health health but no excuse mayb the new admin can sort out the attack code
(2011.Oct.26 08:34 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]25868 S}~{A SHADOWHUNT3R 47 40 Bit off more than they could chew with BigNick.

I know right must of been half health but no excuse mayb the new admin can sort out the attack code
Just this time, or all the others too?
Thing with me thrill is I don't care if I bite off so il hit anyone at any health for fun as its a game and I don't care about loosing
well you should worry hunter is this not a game to see who has the biggest cock or pussy or. who can pussy whip the most

(2011.Oct.26 05:51 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Thing with me thrill is I don't care if I bite off so il hit anyone at any health for fun as its a game and I don't care about loosing
Post-hoc justification? Whatever helps you sleep at night.
This is weak sauce-
DM GiacomoCasanova 52 28 Bit off more than they could chew with HUNT3R.
the fight probably almost maxed out rounds
We have a new King....
Name: HUNT3R [25868]
User Class: Cyborg Member
User Level: 50
Yup guys now he is The Weakest Lvl 50+....congratz dude...The crown is Yours.
At lvl 40+ Cissero is still the Weakest because even Dave can hosp him

Not for long

watch me take over you in the poi in no time
Dude I am bored....
I have passed all milestones for a player with my low end...-I have a good house, a good weapon, the best friends, I am in POI....I stay here in the game only for my career...and for forum.