(2010.Dec.05 05:33 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 11:10 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]if zen does not enjoy running the game anymore then she should just sell it to someone who does. or hire people to help her, they can get a portion of donations.
i'll buy the game for a fair sum. i.e: $2-3000.
couldn't you just steal it?
Crunchy you are beat I paid way less then that for it months ago
(2010.Dec.05 06:03 PM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 05:55 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]Crunchy I am so full of drek
no need to be a douche man she's never gonna post on this thread she doesn't respond to "demands" otherwise it would set a precedent.
She really did mod my name you can ask about 30 ppl about that I truly think cober is a faggot_ not the man. And we genuinely had a convo
(2010.Dec.05 06:03 PM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 05:55 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]Crunchy I am so full of drek
no need to be a douche man she's never gonna post on this thread she doesn't respond to "demands" otherwise it would set a precedent.
She really did mod my name you can ask about 30 ppl about that I truly think cober is a faggot_ not the man. And we genuinely had a convo
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Zenith [2]
Date :
4 December 10 @ 2:23:09 pm
Subject :
RE:(no subject)
You gotta make that name more appropriate.

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(2010.Dec.05 06:09 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]no need to be a dork man she's never gonna post on this thread she doesn't respond to "demands" otherwise it would set a precedent.
She really did mod my name you can ask about 30 ppl about that I truly think cober is the man. And we genuinely had a convo
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Sender :
Zenith [2]
Date :
4 December 10 @ 2:23:09 pm
Subject :
RE:(no subject)
You gotta make that name more appropriate. 
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zen never comes online so how could she mod your name? and why would she change it to that unless cober really is the man
(2010.Dec.05 06:28 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 06:09 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]no need to be a dork man she's never gonna post on this thread she doesn't respond to "demands" otherwise it would set a precedent.
She really did mod my name you can ask about 30 ppl about that I truly think cober is the man. And we genuinely had a convo
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Sender :
Zenith [2]
Date :
4 December 10 @ 2:23:09 pm
Subject :
RE:(no subject)
You gotta make that name more appropriate. 
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if zen never comes online how could she mod your name?
Bc fucktard she doesn't need to be viewed as online to be online.
What district are you in kitten
she clearly said 'you' gotta make that name more appropriate. indicating nothing of her doing
(2010.Dec.05 06:41 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]she clearly said 'you' gotta make that name more appropriate. indicating nothing of her doing
Whatever faggot. You gonna answer my question
the most expensive one
and no thanks i dont smoke