2010.Dec.06, 05:03 PM
2010.Dec.06, 05:04 PM
Also if you really have a dang good idea when you mail her don't be a complete A-Hole if she says no and gives you a reason why be polite and why not thank her for the game she has created for us as you ask her your question I mean it couldn't hurt and then she would probably put more consideration into what you said than if you can't take no for an answer.
2010.Dec.06, 05:05 PM
(2010.Dec.06 04:56 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]zen has complained before about all the people mailing her over useless drek.....most of people's questions can probably be answered by mailing another experienced player, or better yet using the appropriate forum section to post your question..
i bet zen gets hundreds of mails a day that are a complete waste of time..and i would guess 80% of those mails are from the same 5-10% of the community....if you wanna waste the time mailing her all the time dont expect anything to get done....
I agree with you 100%.
I have a side question though, how would you feel if your post was completely deleted b/c you said ***, better yet if you would have said &&&? Then what if you ask the mod why, and he retaliates by warning you so you can't post? You don't have to respond, I probably won't read it. Just trying to make a point that was completely lost over thanksgiving.
2010.Dec.06, 05:07 PM
I dont have an issue about the careers etc as the game gives you choices and you take them, ive made ones that have put me behind, you put it behind you and play on. My only beef with all this is when zen asks us to give our time and input into ideas, borg removal or in my case ladder system, she at least owes us a mail to say thanks or whether it would be implemented
2010.Dec.06, 08:35 PM
(2010.Dec.06 05:04 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: [ -> ]Also if you really have a dang good idea when you mail her don't be a complete A-Hole if she says no and gives you a reason why be polite and why not thank her for the game she has created for us as you ask her your question I mean it couldn't hurt and then she would probably put more consideration into what you said than if you can't take no for an answer.
You must be new here. Please stop posting about things you know nothing about. Goodbye,
2010.Dec.07, 01:07 AM
(2010.Dec.06 05:05 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]i see the one man crusade is going well nughuffer(2010.Dec.06 04:56 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]zen has complained before about all the people mailing her over useless drek.....most of people's questions can probably be answered by mailing another experienced player, or better yet using the appropriate forum section to post your question..
i bet zen gets hundreds of mails a day that are a complete waste of time..and i would guess 80% of those mails are from the same 5-10% of the community....if you wanna waste the time mailing her all the time dont expect anything to get done....
I agree with you 100%.
I have a side question though, how would you feel if your post was completely deleted b/c you said n****, better yet if you would have said ***? Then what if you ask the mod why, and he retaliates by warning you so you can't post? You don't have to respond, I probably won't read it. Just trying to make a point that was completely lost over thanksgiving.

On Topic.
if there are issues with zenith not having enough time due to managing the game on her lonesome then we need to revisit the idea of having a player admin that gives up their character and takes over the day to day running of the game. This however is only worth doing if it actually frees up time for zenith to code.
The last time this was suggested, all people did was argue about how it would be unfair and the player admin would have bias. At this point though i would have to say that i wouldn't care who it was or which gang they have been in as long as they are respected and trustworthy.
2010.Dec.07, 01:52 PM
(2010.Dec.07 01:07 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]i see the one man crusade is going well nughuffer
God wills it.
2010.Dec.07, 01:58 PM
all mails i send get replied to that day, might be a few hours but we are on different time zones.
2010.Dec.07, 07:16 PM
(2010.Dec.05 01:23 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]Manufacturing sucks a little. AngelRinoa has rating 25 and can only charge belts at 233% I am not saying this is bad, just with that kind of rating he should be able to get a better charge
Not true at all. Angelrinoa told me today that he now can charge belts to 254% with his career. Sure maybe just a couple extra fights but it saves a bit on pricing.
As for medical career, I have level 19, the money I have saved on stims and nimbus bars are well worth it. Of course in a hospitalization war, saving your gang members stim money is pretty good too. I actually got 104 minutes reduced on hospital time a couple of days ago.
2010.Dec.07, 09:07 PM
right..but imo cps after 10 should be expanded....its been years since careers have evolved.....common zenny
eazy peezy
eazy peezy