(2010.Dec.05 11:12 AM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 10:59 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]I make 71k a year at level 7 in athletics. When I was newer the description fooled me into thinking I would be making a good sum of money in Athletics. After I talked to Raf I realized that was never going to happen and had wasted my time. However I was too in depth in my career to switch.
Also I liked to point out a medic of my same level "I believe" makes 142k a year.
Had I known the truth I would have had 225,780 dev points in str.
Are you seriously complaining about the career pay? I can make 70k in a day from crime. If you picked a career solely based on the pay, you kinda had it coming...
Name: Zenith [2]
User Class: Admin
Duties: Creator
Gender: Female
Signed Up: April 24, 2006 10:26:15 pm
Last Active: December 2, 2010 3:39:21 pm
Last Action: 2 days 19 hours 37 minutes 6 seconds ago
It's only a matter of time...
several people picked that career bc of the description of higher pay. they were mislead and ripped off. period.
the "last action 2-days ago" thing means nothing.
(2010.Dec.05 09:57 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]In all fairness - all careers get exponentially less worthwhile after a certain point.
Manufacturers, for example, can charge belts at level 4. Febiani belts starting at 205%. You can finally start charging DeMags (which nobody uses) at level 7 or 8 (can't remember).
Now, at level 13 - I can charge Febiani belts to 217%. You can imagine how much time/CP's it took to go from level 4 to 13. A TON of points that could have gone to stat conversion/building.
The difference in the game? ONE FIGHT. One fight will take your belt from 217% to 205% (or so).
FTR... One of the last times I did speak to Zen, she said it's hard to keep updating the game because the motivation for her to even keep it open is diminishing. She felt like people just complained and whined all the time - and that she had no real "incentive" to keep it updating and running. Zen is a good person though - I just don't fully understand what goes on in her mind when/why/how it comes to AL anymore.
I may be a bit biased, but it does seem like this game did take a sour turn right about the time Err left.
thats pretty fucked up about the manufacturing/belt charging thing. no doubt about it.
not updating and progressing the game bc of people complaining about things is very dissapointing to hear. its hard to believe she could throw that big of a hissy fit over people voicing ideas and opinions that dont jive with hers. mind boggling if its true.
zen has good ideas. she passed one to me about hospitalizations the other day that was pretty darn good. a few simple/minor additions and adjustments would go a long way to keep people happy on here. several people have suggested great ideas on here before....its hard to understand why they havent been implemented.
i could just steal the game but i wouldnt gain the userbase. buying it would give me people who play the game, and a way to improve it for them. instead of me starting a game which will be compared to yoda (or whoever it was) that started a shitty game. (mine wouldnt be shitty, but people would still say it is, mainly for the fact that i am crunchyblack)
(2010.Dec.05 07:11 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 10:59 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]I make 71k a year at level 7 in athletics. When I was newer the description fooled me into thinking I would be making a good sum of money in Athletics. After I talked to Raf I realized that was never going to happen and had wasted my time. However I was too in depth in my career to switch.
Also I liked to point out a medic of my same level "I believe" makes 142k a year.
Had I known the truth I would have had 225,780 dev points in str.
several people picked that career bc of the description of higher pay. they were mislead and ripped off. period.
Athletics Career Ladder (includes players with a rank of 4 or higher)
Rank User Efficiency Score
38 BZZZ abcdefghijkmnopq 16.35
(2010.Dec.05 07:35 PM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 07:11 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.05 10:59 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]I make 71k a year at level 7 in athletics. When I was newer the description fooled me into thinking I would be making a good sum of money in Athletics. After I talked to Raf I realized that was never going to happen and had wasted my time. However I was too in depth in my career to switch.
Also I liked to point out a medic of my same level "I believe" makes 142k a year.
Had I known the truth I would have had 225,780 dev points in str.
several people picked that career bc of the description of higher pay. they were mislead and ripped off. period.
Athletics Career Ladder (includes players with a rank of 4 or higher)
Rank User Efficiency Score
38 BZZZ abcdefghijkmnopq 16.35
Did you pick it for the endu conversion rate or the high pay?
little of both..got out as soon I realized how bad a career it was. 5 levels later.
I love you, Medical career.
Maybe our admin needs to man up and devote some time to the game and the folks who play it.......or....
sell it...subcontract it out.......quit and shut of the lights.
This is a product and some of us buy it. We have a reasonable expectation of excellence as opposed to bunk we have been getting lately. Just sayin......
most of the criticism is about nothing getting done or nothing new...the criticism will dampen a bit if zen implemented something worthwhile...
there will always be someone cryin and chewin about this and that and every new update...
but pleasing one half if better than pleasing zero halves...nothing can please everyone
the excuse that the crying and moaning is the cause of the lack of product, is bullshit...
if you cant handle the slightest bit of criticism from paying customers, than you probably shouldnt be running a business...
I can say this, it's not so much the criticism that is preventing newer content.
After the thread not being replied to I sent a message in game to see if I could find out what the deal was.
She spends a lot of time answering mails, that turn into discussions, that eats up her time. She's been spending time trying to prevent cheating as well.
The one thing that I thought was rather important, was the fact that apparently between 2a and 7a sever time, there's a group of people who are trying to bring the server down.
Remember Jan 2009? Same people if I had to guess. :/
Unlike what Inpace said, she also does work so it's not like she is dedicated strictly to AL with her time. I can kinda see her point.
But I still want new content